Chapter 49

  1. Sensory receptors transduce _______________ and transmit signals to the _____________.
    stimulus energy, CNS.
  2. Sensations
    Action potentials that reach the brain via sensory neurons.
  3. Perception
    The awareness and interpretation of the sensation. ie: colors, smells, sounds, and tastes.
  4. What does sensory reception begin with?
    The detection of stimulus energy by sensory receptors.
  5. Exteroreceptors
    Detect stimuli originating outside of the body.
  6. Interoreceptors
    Detect stimuli originating inside the body.
  7. Sensory Transduction
    The conversion of stimulus energy into a change in membrane potential.
  8. Receptor Potential
    A sensory receptor's version of a graded potential.
  9. Amplification
    The strengthening of stimulus energy so that it can be detected by the nervous system. It may occur separate from or with sensory transduction.
  10. Transmission
    The conduction of sensory impulses to the CNS.
  11. The _________ of the stimulus and receptor potential affects the __________________ released by the sensory receptor.
    strength, amount of neurotransmitter
  12. The ___________ of the receptor potential affects the ___________ of action potentials.
    intensity, frequency.
  13. What are 5 types of sensory receptors?
    Mechanoreceptors, pain receptors, thermoreceptors, chemoreceptors, and electromagnetic receptors.
  14. Sensory Adaption
    A decrease in responsiveness to continued stimulation (continuous stimulation does NOT mean that there's a continuous transmission!)
Card Set
Chapter 49
Biology 109 at UMKC flash cards