general science module 9

  1. define atom
    the smallest stable unit of matter in creation.
  2. define molecule
    two or more atoms linked together to make a substance with unique properties.
  3. define photosynthesis
    the process by which a plant uses the energy of sunlight and certain chemicals to produce its own food.
  4. define metabolism
    the process by which a living organism takes energy from its surroundings and uses it to sustain itself, develop, and grow.
  5. define receptors
    special structures or chemicals that allows living organisms to sense the conditions of their surroundings.
  6. define cell
    the smallest unit of life in creation.
  7. what are the four criteria for life mark?
    1. All life forms contain DNA. 2. all life forms have a message by which they take energy from the surroundings and convert it into energy that helps them live. 3. all life forms can sense changes in their surroundings and respond to those changes. 4. All life forms reproduce.
  8. what does DNA provide to a living organism?
    TNA provides the information necessary to turn lifeless chemicals into a living organism.
  9. compared to other molecules, is DNA big or small?
    it is big. In fact, DNA is one of the biggest molecules in creation.
  10. does DNA store its information more efficiently or less efficiently than a computer?
    DNA is significantly more efficient at information storage then the best computer human science can make.
  11. DNA is made up of two basic parts: the backbone and the nucleotides. a. Which part stores the information? B. which part forms the double helix structure?
    a. The nucleotides store the information. Remember, the information of a living organism is stored as a sequence of nucleotides. b. the back bone forms the long ribbons that twist to make the double helix structure.
  12. which nucleotide will link to adenine? which will link to cytosine?
    Thymine links to adenine, and guanine links to cytosine
  13. 1/2 of a portion of DNA has the following sequence cytosine, guanine, adenine, guanine, thymine, thymine. which is the sequence of nucleotides on the other half of this portion?
    the relationship in seven allows you to determine the other half of the DNA, because only adenine and thymine can link up. Similarly, only cytosine and guanine can link up. guanine, cytosine, thymine, cytosine, adenine, adnine
  14. 1/2 of a portion of DNA has the following sequence: thymine, guanine, cytosine, adenine, thymine, guanine. What is the sequence of nucleotides on the other half of this portion?
    the relationship in seven allows you to determine the other half of the DNA, because only adenine and thymine can link up. similarly, only cytosine and guanine can link up. adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, adenine, cytosine
  15. what is the name of the chemical that plants make for food?
    please use photosynthesis to make their own food, glucose.
  16. what is the name of the chemical that plants store their food as?
    plants store food as starch.
  17. what is a biosphere?
    a biosphere is a living system that is isolated from its surroundings but continues to live and grow.
  18. metabolism requires food and something else. What is that something else?
    metabolism requires food and oxygen.
  19. Metabolism produces energy and usually do other things. What are they?
    metabolism usually produces energy, carbon dioxide, and water.
  20. Organisms receptors no longer work. Which of the four criteria of mice will the organism not be able to perform?
    the organism will not be able to sense and respond to change.
  21. Consider the difference between a shark and an anchovy. Both are fish. The first is a fierce hunter that rarely is eaten by any other animal the second is a major source of food for many other fish in the sea. Which would you expect to have my babies to shark parents or to anchovy parents?
    the anchovy parents will have many more babies, because so many anchovies get eaten that they must be born to replace them.
  22. every once in awhile, a female cat will be born sterile. This means that the cat cannot have kittens. Does this mean that the cat is not alive? Since it cannot reproduce?
    the cat is still alive, because its else can reproduce.
  23. is the population of people on this earth become a problem?
    no, it is not. The speed at which the human population increasing has been slowing every year. Also, there is more food per person today than ever before.finally, the cost of raw materials is lower than ever. Thus, there are no  indicators which point to trouble.
  24. in the following picture: indicate what the arrows are pointing out.
    Figure 9.3 a. organelles b.cytoplasm c. nucleus d. membrane
  25. in the picture of a, where is the DNA stored?
    DNA is stored in the nucleus.
  26. How many basic kinds of cells are there?
    there are three basic kinds of cells: plant cells, animal cells, and cells from bacteria.
  27. if a scientist use is a microscope to examine a cell from mouse, a cell from a leaf, and a cell from a cat, how many different basic kinds of cells will she?
    the scientist will see two basic kinds of cells. the leaf cell will be a plant cell, and the mouse cell and cat cells will both be animal cells.
Card Set
general science module 9
7th grade science