Colgate Sensitive.
- Active Ingredients:
- Potassium Citrate
- Info:
- Depolarises nerve endings in exposed dentine.
- Takes up to 2 weeks. Complete at 8 weeks.
Colgate total
- Active Ingredients:
- Triclosan
- Sodium Fluoride
- 1000ppm
- Info:
- Regular toothpaste
- best on market.
Colgate 6+
- Active ingredients:
- Sodium fluoride
- 1000ppm
- Info:
- Same adult strength.
- Kids can use this amount over 6yrs
Colgate "My First"
- Active Ingredients:
- 400-500ppm fluoride
- half strength
- Info:
- Over use of fluoride can cause fluorosis in children's permanent teeth,
- Active Ingredients:
- Chlorhexidine
- Info:
- Kills St mutans
- no fluoride
- tastes like liquorice
- doesn't discolour.
- Active Ingredients:Miswak extract from tree.
- Info:
- Anti-Inflammatory properties.
- Essential oils
- fluoride free
Tea Tree Toothpaste
- Active Ingredients:
- Tea Tree oil
- Info:
- Anit-Inflammatory
- essential oils
- fluoride free
Colgate NeutraFluor 5000+
- Active Ingredients:
- High concentration of sodium fluoride
- 5000ppm
- Info:
- For high caries risk patients who don't like other mousses.
- don't eat for 30mins after.
Colgate Advanced whitening
- Active Ingredients:
- Hydrogen peroxide
- polishing agent
- Info:
- Abrasive.
- doesn't work.
- extrinsic stains only.
- Active Ingredients:
- Lactoperoxidase
- Info:
- Enzymes can substitute those in xerostomic patients
- doesn't dry mouth,
Colgate Savacol
- Active Ingredients:
- Chlorhexidine
- Info:
- Post operative, kills St mutans.
- Discomfort of ulcers
- works on soft tissues
- Don't use longer than 2 weeks
- causes staining.
Colgate Plax
- Info:
- General use
- non condition specific.
- Alco free.
Listerine Purple
- Active Ingredients:
- Sodium fluoride
- essential oils
- ethanol
- Info
- pH 5.4
- Not recommended.
- Too harsh
Listerine smart rinse
- Active Ingredients:
- Sodium fluoride
Colgate Neutraflour 220
- Active Ingredients:
- Sodium fluoride
- ethanol
- Info:
- For high caries risk patients
- Post operative clients
- daily rinse
Colgate Neutraflour 900
- Active Ingredients:
- Sodium fluoride 900ppm
- ethanol
- Info:
- Use weekly
- High caries risk patients.
Colgate FluoroCare 200
- Active Ingredients:
- Phosphate fluoride
- sodium fluoride
- 200ppm
- Info:
- daily use
- Alcohol free
- For people who prefer alco free shit
- Active Ingredients:
- Lactoperoxidase
- Lysozyme
- Lactoferrin
- Info:
- helps over come dry mouth
- Active Ingredients:
- Ethanol
- Info:
- Anti-bacterial
- Reduce plaquw
- Mild anesthetic effect for pain relief.
Colgate Duraphat
- Active Ingredients:
- Sodium fluoride
- 22, 600 ppm fluoride
- Info:
- Desensitises teeth
- Remineralizes
- Stimulates reparative dentine
- Dab on particular surface.
Colgate NeutraFlour 9000
- Active Ingredients:
- Sodium fluoride
- 9000 ppm fluoride
- Info:
- Give high dose for 5mins
Colgate Gel-Kem
- Active Ingredients:
- Stannouse fluoride
- 1000ppm
- 3000ppm stannouse
- Info:
- Use daily after brushing
GC Mouth Mousse
- Active Ingredients:
- Info:
- Prevention
- remineralisation
- Active Ingredients:
- Clorhexidine