Bio 2.2 Lab Exam 3 Brain Functions

  1. Spinal cord
    Reflexes integrated
  2. Medulla oblongata
    • Regulates: Heart rate
    • BP
    • Breathing rate
    • Swallowing
  3. Pons
    Modifies breathing rate faster or slower through medulla
  4. Cerebellum
    Balance and coordination
  5. Superior collicoli
    • Visual startle reflex
    • Visual tracking
  6. Inferior collicoli
    Auditory startle reflex
  7. Basal nuclei
    • Cut unwanted motion
    • Helps initiate motion
  8. Mesolimbic tract
  9. Reticular formation
    Filters sensory info
  10. Hypothalamus
    • Monitors circadian rhythm
    • Homeostasis
    • Apetite
    • Thirst
    • Controls autonomic nervous system
  11. Thalamus
    Relays sensory signals to the rest of the brain
  12. Amygdala
    • Stores emotional memories
    • Produces response to emotion
  13. Hippocampus
    Memory formation
  14. Frontal Lobe
    • Voluntary movement
    • Memory
    • Reasoning
    • Problem Solving
    • Judgement
    • Impulse Control
  15. Parietal Lobe
    • Processing pain and touch sensation
    • Movement and Orientation
    • Recognition and Speech
  16. Temporal Lobe
    • Auditory sensation
    • Emotion
    • Memory
    • Speech
  17. Occipital Lobe
    Controls visual sensation and processing
  18. Broca's Area
    • Controls speech
    • Language recognition
    • Facial nerves
  19. Corpus Callosum
    Connects two brain hemispheres together
  20. Pre-motor area
    Moving limbs in correct order
  21. Pre-frontal area
    Desire and control of desires
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Bio 2.2 Lab Exam 3 Brain Functions
Brain Functions