Primate Taxonomy

  1. What are the two infraorders of the suborder Anthropoidea?
    Platyrrhini and Catarrhini
  2. Do monkeys in the infraorder Platyrrhini have nostrils that face to the side or down?
    To the side
  3. Which family, of the superfamily Ceboidea, are a primate pattern exception having claws instead of nails?
  4. To which family do the new world monkeys with prehensile tails belong?
  5. Which family of the Ceboidea superfamily have sacculated stomachs that are specialized for the digestion of plant material?
  6. Which Subfamily of old world monkeys has cheek pouches?
  7. Which old world monkeys belong to the Cercopithecinae subfamily?
    Baboons (Papio), Macaques (Macaca), Geunons (Cercopithecus), Mandrills (Mandrillus), Patas (Erythrocebus) and Mangabeys (Cercocebus)
  8. What are the three Genus' of the family Pongidae?
    Pongo (Orangutans), Gorilla (Gorillas) and Pan (Chimpanzees and Bonobos)
  9. What are the main characteristics of the superfamily Hominoidea?
    No tails, larger body weight and size, larger body/brain ratio, more upright posture and longer gestation and maturation.
  10. What are the three families of Hominoidea?
    Hylobatidae (Gibbons and Siamangs), Pongidae (Great Apes) and Hominidae (Homo - Humans)
  11. What are the three species of Gorilla?
    Gorilla (Western lowland), Graveri (Eastern lowland) and Beringei (Mountain gorillas)
  12. What are the two speicies of the Genus Pan?
    Troglodytes (Chimpanzees) and Paniscus (Bonobo)
  13. What region is the Genus Pongo located in?
  14. What region are Gorillas located in?
  15. Is the genus Pongo aboreal, terrestrial or both?
  16. Is the genus Gorilla aboreal, terrestrial or both?
    Terrestrial or ground dwelling
  17. The family hylobatidae is comprised of...
    Gibbons and Siamangs
  18. Where can the family Hylobatidae be found?
    Southeast Asia
  19. What makes Owl monkeys (Aotus) unlike other species in the Platyrrhini infraorder?
    They are nocturnal
  20. What are the common characteristics of the Platyrrhini infraorder?
    They are all new world monkeys (found in Mexico, South and Central America), they have nostrils on the side. All have tails and smallish bodies. All aboreal.
  21. What are the Species of the Family Atelidae?
    Spider Monkeys (Ateles), Howler monkeys (Alouatta), Wooley monkeys (Lagothrix) and Muriquis (Brachyteles)
  22. When using the classification system Strepsirhine/Haplorrhine what suborder would Tarsiiformes fall under?
    Haplorrhine - The system was created to account for the intermediary relationship between lemurs and loris' and apes and humans.
  23. What are the general characteristics of the Infraorder Tarsiiformes?
    No rhinarium, nocturnal but no tapetum, no dental comb, post orbital closure and bicornate uterus and elongated tarsial bones.
  24. What is the smallest primate?
    Mouse Lemur
  25. Are Lemurs nocturnal or diurnal?
    Both. Small lemurs tend to be nocturnal, insectivores and solitary. Large lemurs tend to be diurnal and aboreal or terrestrial
  26. What two families fall under the infraorder Lorisiformes?
    Galgidae - Galagos and bushbabies and Lorisidae - Lorises, angwantibos and pottos.
  27. What are Galagos and Bashbabies (from the family Galgidae) known as?
    Vertical clingers and leapers
  28. Where would one find Galagos and Bushbabies?
    Mainland Africa
  29. What are members of the family Lorisidae, infraorder Lorisiformes, known as?
    Slow climbers
  30. Where would one find the family Lorisidae?
    Mainland africa and Southeast Asia
  31. What Species are classified in the Cebidae family?
    Owl (Aotus), Squirrel (Saimiri), Capuchin (Cebus), Vakari (Cacajao), Saki (Pithecia) and Titi (Callicebus)
  32. What are the general characteristics of the Suborder Anthropoidea?
    Anthropoidea includes monkeys, apes and humans. Diurnal. Less reliance on olfaction. Flat faces, dry noses, small ears and a mobile upper lip allowing for expression.
  33. What members of the Atelidae family live in fisson/fusion groups?
    Spider monkeys (Ateles)
  34. Which new world monkey has the greatest body/brain ratio?
    Capuchin monkeys (Cebus) from the family Cebidae
  35. What does monotypic mean?
    All members of the Genus same Species - such as homo (all Sapiens)
  36. What does polytypic mean?
    Not all members of the Genus are the same Species - Like the Genus Pan with two species Pan Paniscus (Bonobos) and Pan Troglodytes (Chimpanzees)
  37. What does Isometric mean?
    Two varibles increase and decrease in direct porportion of one another
  38. What does allometric mean?
    Two variables increase and decrease at DIFFERENT rates
Card Set
Primate Taxonomy
Primate question for ANTH 311 Midterm 1