postural drainage positions.txt

  1. anterior apical segments of the right and left upper lobes, position?
    position the patient *sitting and leaning back at about a 45 degree angle*
  2. anterior apical segments of the right and left upper lobes, percuss where?
    area to percuss is just *below the clavicle*
  3. posterior apical segments of the right and left upper lobes, position?
    position the patient *sitting and leaning forward at about a 45 degree angle*
  4. posterior apical segments of the right and left upper lobes, percuss?
    area to percuss is just *above the scapula* with the *fingers extending up onto the shoulders*
  5. anterior segments of the right and left upper lobes, position?
    position the *patient supine* with the *bed flat*
  6. anterior segments of the right and left upper lobes, percuss?
    area to percuss is just *above the nipple*
  7. posterior segment of the left upper lobe, position?
    position the patient *one-quarter turn from prone* and *resting on the right side* with the *head of the bed elevated 18 inches*
  8. posterior segment of the left upper lobe, percuss?
    area to percuss is *over the left scapula*
  9. posterior segment of the right upper lobe, position?
    position the patient *one-quarter turn from prone* and *resting on the left side* with the *bed flat*
  10. posterior segment of the right upper lobe, percuss?
    area to percuss is just *above the right scapula*
  11. left lingula position?
    position the patient *one-quarter turn from supine* and *resting on the right side* with the *foot of the bed elevated 12 inches*
  12. left lingula, percuss?
    area to percuss is just *above the left nipple* and *under the armpit*
  13. right middle lobe position
    position the patient *one-quarter turn from supine* with the *foot of the bed elevated 12 inches*
  14. right middle lobe, percuss?
    area to percuss is just *above the right nipple* and *under the armpit*
  15. anterior basal segments of the right and left lung, position?
    position the patient *supine* with the *foot of the bed elevated 18-20 inches*
  16. anterior basal segments of the right and left lung, percuss?
    area to percuss is *over the lower ribs*
  17. posterior basal segments of the right and left lung, position?
    position the patient *prone* with the *foot of the bed elevated 18-20 inches*
  18. posterior basal segments of the right and left lung, percuss?
    area to percuss is *over the lower ribs*
  19. left lateral segment of the lower lobes, position?
    position the patient on the *right side* with the *foot of the bed elevated 18-20 inches*
  20. left lateral segment of the lower lobes, percuss?
    area to percuss is *over the lower ribs*
  21. right lateral segment of the lower lobes, position?
    position the patient on the *left side* with the *foot of the bed elevated 18-20 inches*
  22. right lateral segment of the lower lobes, percuss?
    area to percuss is *over the lower ribs*
  23. superior segments of the right and left lower lobes, position?
    position the *patient prone* with the *bed flat*
  24. superior segment of the right and left lower lobes, percuss?
    area to percuss is just *below the lower margin of the scapula*
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postural drainage positions.txt
postural drainage positions