Chapter 23 Digestion

  1. The Alimentary Canal or GI tract is made up of what 5 organs?
    mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestines.
  2. What are the 6 organs that make up the Accessory Digestive System?
    teeth, tongue, gallbladder, salivary glands, liver, and pancreas.
  3. What is Peristalsis?
    wavelike smooth muscle contractions that moves food through the GI tract
  4. What is Segmentation?
    Is when nonadjacent segments of the GI tract contract and relax moving food forward and backward, mixing food slow propulsion of food occurs.
  5. Mechanoreceptors and Chemoreceptors are responsible for activating or inhibiting glands that secret digestive juices into the lumen or stimulate smooth muscle of GI tract to mix lumen contents and move them along the tract. Where are these receptors located?
    In the lining of the GI tract.
  6. The serous membrane of the abdominal cavity is called what?
  7. Peritoneum that covers the ecternam surface of most digestive organs?
    Viceral peritoneum
  8. Peritoneum that lines the body wall?
    Parietal Peritoneum
  9. The double layer or peritoneum that provides routes for blood vesels, lymphatics, and nerves. Also holds organs in place and stores fats?
  10. This collects nutrient-rich venous blood draining from the digestive viscera and delivers it to the liver?
    The Hepatic portal circulation
  11. What are the 4 functions of saliva?
    cleanse mouth, dissolves food chemicals for taste, moistens food and compacts it into bolus, and begins the breakdown of starch with enzymes
  12. How many permanent teeth are there in the average adult?
  13. What are the 3 phases in the Regulation of Gastric Secretion?
    Cephalic or Reflex Phase, Gastric Phase, and Intestinal Phase
  14. Phase of Gastric secretion in which sight and smell of food trigger stimulation of the hypothalmus and medulla which stimulate vagus nerve which stimulate digestive secretion prior to food entering the mouth?
    Cephalic/ Reflex Phase
  15. Once food reaches the stomach stretch receptors stimulate medulla, vagus nerves, local and vagovagal reflexes to produce stomach secretory activity which last 3-4 hrs and provides 2/3 of gastric juices. It also stimulates the release of food chemical and rising pH activate chemoreceptors. Which phase of gastric secretion does the above describe?
    Gastric Phase
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Chapter 23 Digestion
Anatomy and Physiology II Chapter 23 Digestion