Chief Part Three 3-31-13

  1. What is required to prevent severe life hazard resulting from accidental reactivation of machinery? 653
    Lock out, tag out, blank out procedures
  2. If equipment is locked out, tag out whom should the key remain with? 654
    The person placing the lock or given to a responsible person
  3. How many personnel are required to do a limited confined space entry? 656
    Minimum of three personnel
  4. What 3 requirements must be met to do a limited entry rescue? 656
    • The victim is viable from outside of the confined space
    • The rescue will wear the SCBA the entire time
    • The victim’s predicament warrants the extra risk to firefighters
  5. What  are the 3 positions that must be filled to do a limited entry rescue? 656
    • An attendant (the company officer)
    • A Primary rescuer
    • A Back up rescuer
  6. What is considered a particularly dangerous type of confined space rescue? 657
    Deep shaft rescue where the depth to width ratio is 5:1 or greater
  7. A narrow excavation that is deeper than it is wide and is either man-made or a depression in the earth's surface is called a? 658
    A trench
  8. If a trench is deeper than 5 feet what must be done? 659
    It must be sloped shored or otherwise protected
  9. How close can the spoil pile be in a trench that is 5 ft or deeper? 659
    No closer than 2 feet from the edge of the trench
  10. How many feet around the collapse should be exclusion zone be? 659
    50 ft
  11. How many feet perimeter around the exclusion zone should the operational zone be? 659
  12. How large should the support zone be around the site? 659
  13. What must we assume about all victims involved in a trench rescue? 660
    That they are alive until proven otherwise
  14. When attempting a rescue there should be no vibrations within how many feet in all directions? 662
  15. When shoring for a trench collapse where should the struts be placed? 662
    18 to 24 inches below the trench lip and then progress downward no more than 4 feet apart
  16. Who has ultimate responsibility for offshore search and rescue operations in the US? 663
    The US Coast Guard
  17. In offshore search and rescue operations what is another identifier for the Coast Guard? 663
    The federal search and rescue coordinator
  18. What is the most common type of technical rescue performed by the fire service every day? 664
    Vehicle extrication
  19. If the Vehicle extrication is due to a vehicle underneath a semi what should you request? 665
    At least 1 Heavy wrecker preferably 2
  20. What are the five C's in managing a suicides in progress? TQ 669
    • Command
    • Contain
    • Communicate
    • Coordinate
    • Control
  21. Normally crush syndrome takes how long to occur after entrapment? 669
    4 hrs
  22. What are the 4 levels of urban search and rescue(USAR) task forces? 675
    • Basic
    • Light
    • Medium 
    • Heavy
  23. What USAR level is designed for structural collapse of light frame construction and basic rope rescue operations? 675
    Light operational level
  24. What USAR level is designed for structural collapse or failure of reinforced and unreinforced masonry(URM), tilt ups and heavy timber construction? 676
    Medium operational level
  25. What USAR level is designed for structural collapse of Reinforced concrete or steel frame construction and confined space rescue operations? 676
    Heavy operational level
  26. What USAR level is designed for working safely and effectively around a structure collapse incident? 676
    Basic operational level
  27. What provides a flexible management system during a hazmat incident? 729
    The eight step process
  28. Regulations are sometimes called? 731
  29. What standards are normally developed by professional organizations as a means for improving individual quality of a product or system? 731
    Voluntary consensus standards
  30. What happens if a Federal state or local government adopts a consensus standard by reference? 731
    It becomes a regulation
  31. What OSHA clause requires employers to provide a safe work environment free of recognized hazard? 732
    The general duty clause of the OSHA act
  32. Which federal hazmat law has the greatest impact on fire service operations? 733
    SARA Title III
  33. Which regulation establishes important requirements for people who respond to Hazmat incidents? 735
  34. How many hours of training our first responder operational level required? 736
    8 hours
  35. How many hours of training are hazmat technicians required? 737
    24 hrs
  36. Which level of HAZMAT training is required to act as a site liaison between federal state and other government authorities? 738
    HAZMAT Specialist
  37. To be the on scene IC of a hazmat incident how many hours of training are required? 738
    Minimum 24 hours
  38. Who regulates hazmat transportation regulations? 739
    The department of transportation (DOT)
  39. What is a big advantage of the voluntary consensus standards? 741
    It allows organizations and corporations to self regulate their business
  40. What is the purpose of NFPA 471? 741
    To outline the minimum requirements for hazmat incidents
  41. What are the 3 levels of private-sector specialists? employees for hazmat? 742
    • Level C
    • Level B
    • Level A (level A being the highest training)
  42. What are the 2 levels of EMS/HM incidents? 743
    • Level 1 cold zone activities
    • Level II warm zone activities
  43. Which hazmat act caused a tremendous increase in the interest level of liability? 745
    SARA Title III
  44. What 5 areas in the hazmat field may cause us to assume liability? 745
    • Poor Planning
    • Poor training
    • Failure to identify hazards
    • Failure to warn the public
    • Poor or outdated equipment
  45. What are the 4 key elements in a hazmat management system? 747
    • Planning and preparedness
    • Prevention
    • Response
    • Cleanup and recovery
  46. What is the 1st and most critical element of the hazmat management system? 747
  47. What is the foundation of the hazmat planning process? 747
    Hazard analysis
  48. What 5 benefits does a hazard analysis program provide? 748
    • Let's FF know what to expect
    • Provides planning
    • Create awareness of new hazards
    • May indicate a need for preventive actions
    • Increase # of successful operations
  49. What is the difference between a Process Safety management (PSM) program and a Risk Management Program (RMP) program? 749
    PSM primarily pertained to on-site workers and RMP primarily concerned with offsite impacts
  50. Who oversees the Process Safety Management (PSM) Program? 749
  51. Who oversees the Risk Management Program (RMP)? 749
  52. What is the most popular method of hazard analysis used within the petroleum in chemical industry? 750
    The Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study
  53. What is the coordinating point for development of the emergency operations plan? 751
    The local emergency planning commission (LEPC)
  54. What are the 4 steps in the hazmat emergency planning process? 751
    • Organize the planning team
    • Define and implement the major tasks
    • Write the plan
    • Revise test and maintain the plan
  55. Who is responsible for the prevention of Hazmat releases? 753
    It is shared between the public and private sectors
  56. Who is responsible for enforcement of Hazmat regulations on rail cars? 754
    The Federal Railroad administration (FRA)
  57. Who is responsible for enforcement of hazmat regulations aboard aircraft? 754
    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
  58. Who is responsible for enforcement of hazmat regulations on navigable waterways? 754
    The US Coast Guard (USCG)
  59. An organized group of trained response personnel, operating to handle a hazmat leak or spill is called? 758
    Hazmat response teams (HMRT)
  60. What are the 2 types of hazmat response teams (HMRT)? 759
    • Technical information teams
    • Hands-on teams
  61. What are the 4 criteria when doing an HMRT needs assessment? 760
    • Legal issues
    • Political factors
    • Economic factors
    • Personnel and staffing
  62. What must be in place if we attempt to recover costs associated with a hazmat? 761
    State or local legislation authorizing cost recovery
  63. When are the 5 times that you should get a hazmat physical? 762
    • Baseline prior to assignment
    • Periodically typically every 12 months not to exceed 24
    • Upon termination of employment or reassignment
    • After any exposure to a Hazardous material
    • At such time as a physician deems necessary
  64. What level of training does both OSHA and NFPA recommend for HMRT personnel? 762
  65. After the emergency phase is terminated, does there still need to be a formal transfer command? 763
    Yes, to the lead agency responsible for post emergency response operations
  66. Who's responsible for all operations that occur in the hot and warm zone of a Hazmat incident? 764
    The hazmat group
  67. Who is responsible for all functions assigned to the hazmat group? 765
    Hazmat group supervisor
  68. What are the 5 Functions that are assigned to the Hazmat group supervisor? 765
    • Safety
    • Site control
    • Research
    • Entry
    • Decon
  69. What 5 tasks is the hazmat group supervisor responsible for? 766
    • Hazard control zones
    • Site monitoring
    • Site safety plan
    • Tactical objectives of the entry team
    • Coordination with ops or the IC
  70. Who does the hazmat group safety officer report to? 767
    The hazmat group supervisor
  71. Who is responsible for all entry operations within the hot zone and should be in constant communication with the entry team? 768
    The entry team leader
  72. Who comprises the entry team? 768
    All personnel who enter and operate within the hot zone
  73. What is another name for the backup team on a hazmat incident? 768
    The rapid intervention team RIT
  74. What are the 5 responsibility of the site access control leader? 768
    • Control the spread of contaminants
    • Oversee placement of the control zones
    • Establish a safe refuge area
    • Ensuring people are decontaminated prior to leaving the scene
  75. What are the 4 things that the hazmat medical group is responsible for? 769
    • Pre-and post entry medical monitoring
    • Provide EMS technical assistance
    • Provide medical treatment for personnel
    • Provide EMS support for the rehab area
  76. What are the 8 steps of managing a hazmat incident? 771
    • Managing the site
    • Identifying the problem
    • Evaluating the hazard and risk
    • Selecting proper PPE
    • Managing information and resources
    • Implementing objectives
    • Implementing Decon and Clean up
    • Terminating the incident
  77. Which step is one of the most critical areas of managing a hazmat emergency? 771
    Site management and control
  78. What are the 5 tasks of site management and control? 771
    • Where to approach from
    • Establishing command
    • Staging other units
    • Isolating denying entry
    • Implement actions to protect the community
  79. What is another name for the hot zone? 772
    Restricted or high hazard area
  80. What is another name for the warm zone? 772
    Limited access area or decontamination zone
  81. What is another name for cold zone? 772
    Support area
  82. Once the hazard area is isolated, what becomes the cornerstone of all further decision making? 773
    Proper identification of the materials involved
  83. What is the most critical situation for fire officers when emergency operations are already underway? 774
    The discovery that hazmats are involved
  84. What is important when your scene becomes a hazmat? 774
    Establish effective management and control policy to limit the spread of contaminants
  85. What must you do with personnel who have been exposed to contaminants on a hazmat? 774
    Isolate them and prevent them from leaving the immediate control area
  86. On a hazmat incident what is the most critical function that we perform? 774
    Hazard and risk evaluation
  87. What is defined as the probability of suffering a harm or loss? 775 TQ
  88. What are the 4 factors that can influence "Risk" on a Hazmat call? 775
    • Hazard Class and Quantity
    • Container Type
    • Proximity of Exposures
    • Level of available Resources
  89. What are the 3 tasks associated with hazard and risk evaluation? 775
    • Assessing the hazards that are present
    • Evaluating the level of risk
    • Establishing a plan to make the problem go away
  90. What is the rule of 3's regarding hazmat? 776
    Evaluate a minimum of 3 independent information sources
  91. What is the 2 main purposes of CHEMTREC? 776
    • Provide immediate hazmat advice
    • Can access shippers or other expertise for additional follow-up action
  92. What 4 times must you call the national response center for transportation hazmat incidents? 777
    • When they cause death
    • Serious injury
    • Property damage in excess of $50,000
    • Continuing threat to life and property
  93. What are the 3 distinct operational modes in a hazmat incident? 778
    • Offensive
    • Defensive
    • Non-intervention
  94. What is a good example of a non-intervention mode strategy? 779
    When dealing with a BLEVE potential
  95. What level suits are designed for chemical splash protection? 780
    Level B and C
  96. What level suits are designed for chemical vapor protection? 781
    Level A
  97. What is the process by which a liquid chemical moves through a given material on a molecular level? 782
  98. What is defined as the time from initial chemical attack on the outside of the material until it is detected inside? 782
    Break through time
  99. When wearing chemical protective clothing what is the most likely cause of injury to the responders? 782
    Heat stress
  100. What are the 2 types of contamination? 787
    Surface and permeation
  101. What are the 4 factors that affect permeation? 787
    • Contact time
    • Concentration
    • Temperature
    • Physical state
  102. What are the 2 methods of decontamination? 788
    Physical and chemical
  103. What are the 4 types of decontamination? 789
    • Emergency
    • Technical
    • Patient
    • Mass
  104. What are "Emergency" Decon Operations graded on? 789
    Speed, not neatness
  105. When acids or bases are on bare skin what is the minimum amount of time to flush with water? 789
    20 minutes
  106. What is another name for Technical Decon? 789
    Formal Decon
  107. Which type of Decon is considered a worst case scenario? 791
    Mass Decon
  108. What are the 3 phases for termination of the Hazmat incident? 792
    • Incident debriefing
    • Post incident analysis
    • Incident critique
  109. The hazmat incident debriefing should cover what 4 topics? 793
    • Health information
    • Equipment and apparatus exposure review
    • Problems requiring immediate action
    • Reinforcement of things that went well
  110. What is the purpose of a hazmat critique? 794
    To develop recommendations for improving the emergency response system and not to find fault
  111. Who provides mandatory minimum requirements for airport firefighting? 816
    The federal aviation administration (FAA)
  112. During a plane crash the FAA requires a Minimum of what from the airport fire department personnel? 816
    That they create a survival path for passengers to self egress
  113. What is a common accident associated with ARFF vehicles? 819
    Vehicle rollovers
  114. What is the most important factor in dealing with ARFF vehicle rollovers? 819
    Driver training
  115. What airport firefighting agent is mostly used worldwide? 821
  116. What is the most economical and efficient agent for extinguishing pool fires of hydrocarbon fuels? 821
  117. What is the standard mix ratio of AFFF that is required by the FAA? 821
  118. What technology relies on expansion characteristics of foaming agents to deliver large quantities from relatively small units? 821
    Compressed air foam
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Chief Part Three 3-31-13
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