EFRU to 90

  1. 81 demos
    • The people , the citizens (Greek)
    • democracy- people power
    • demophile-friend of the people
    • demophobe-one who fears people
  2. 82 populus
    • people (Latin)
    • people-a collection of persons
    • populace- the common people
  3. 83 polis
    • city (Greek)
    • police-one who keeps order in the city
    • polite - having city manners
  4. 84 urbs urbis
    • city (Latin)
    • urvan- pertaining to the city
    • urbane- polite ; having city manners
    • urbanites – those who live in a city
  5. 85 pathos
    • Feeling,suffering (Greek)
    • Pathophobia-fear of disease or suffering
    • Antipathy-feeling against
  6. 86 autos
    • self (Greek)
    • autograph-writing the name of oneself
    • automobile-self moving
  7. 87 thermos
    • heat (Greek)
    • thermal-relating to heat
    • thermotropic – turning toward heat
    • thermogenic- causing or originating
  8. 88 curro cursum
    • Run (Latin)
    • Current-running,ongoing
    • Recur-run into again
  9. 89 zoon
    • Animal (Greek)
    • Mesozoic- middle animal period
    • Proterozoic- earlier animal period
  10. 90 verto versum
    • turn (Latin)
    • reverse-turn back
    • conversation-taking turns in talking together
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EFRU to 90
English From the Roots Up 81 to 90 AO4