Volume 4

  1. What are three responsibilities of the recieving section as soon as property is brought to them?
    • 1. Off loading
    • 2. Segregating
    • 3. In-checking property
  2. During off loading, what are the four things that you should check for?
    • 1. Bill of Lading
    • 2. Shipping label
    • 3. Transportation control number
    • 4. Obvious damage
  3. What is the bill of lading?
    the document that is used by cargo movement personnel to obtain freight transportation services from commercial carriers or any government mode used.

    it's used to obtain reimbursement for services rendered to the government.
  4. Who files the bill of lading?
    The cargo movement representative will file this document in the freight office
  5. When checking the shipping label, what is the thing that you should focus on the most?
    The TCN. It should be either FB (supplies) or FE (equipment).
  6. What exactly is the TCN?
    Transportation Control Number

    This is the requisition number assigned when the initial backorder was placed.

    It's also the number cargo movement uses to control the shipment from origin to destination.
  7. What is the structure of the TCN?
    • 1. Military service account and supply activity code.
    • 2. Julian date the item was ordered.
    • 3. Serial number assigned to that particular account
  8. If you notice damage during off loading, what do you make sure of?
    You make sure that the cargo movement representative annotates the bill of lading.
  9. After off loading the property, what do you do with the item?
    You move it to a holding place until a DOR, notice to stock, or reject notice is processed
  10. What are the four basic holding areas?
    • 1. Receiving line
    • 2. BUlk area
    • 3. Outside holding area
    • 4. Specialized holding areas.
  11. What items can you temporarily store on the receiving line?
    Small, lightweight, easy to handle items.
  12. What is each tote box marked with?
    3 digit alphanumeric location
  13. What two are is the receiving line split into?
    • 1. Priority
    • 2. Routine
  14. What are priorities?
    Priority 1-08 all others are routine
  15. What does the bulk area hold?
    Large bulky items
  16. What is the outside holding area used to hold?
    Large, heavy or awkward-shaped items
  17. What do specialized holding areas hold?
    property that needs specialized handling due to safety or security reasons.
  18. Once all of the property is off loaded and segregated, what's the next step?
    in-check the item
  19. What does in checking mean?
    Comparing the information on the shipping documents to the property received.
  20. What must accompany each item processed into the LRS?
  21. Before you can continue in checking, what must you locate?
    DD Form 1348 in three copies. One goes to Document Control
  22. What other documents can the property come with?
    • 1. DD form 250, Material Inspection and Receiving Report
    • 2. GSA Form 3186 Order for Supplies or Services
    • 3. DLA Form 1224M, Shipping Instructions
    • 4. LP Notification of Award of Award or Packing List
  23. Whats the difference between DD Form 1348 and the other four?
    The others can list more than one item and document number per document
  24. When does the property have the DD Form 250?
    When an AF Depot or another SOS requistions the item from a commercial source.
  25. All packages need to be in checked when?
    at the time of reciept
  26. For non-SATS accounts, only three or four pen-and-ink entries are required on the documentation. What are they?
    • 1. Tote Box and/or holding area
    • 2. Quantity
    • 3. In checkers signature and the Julian date the item was received
    • 4. Inspectors signature or stamp and date if it was turned over to an inspector for any reason.
  27. Make sure you annotate where the item is being held at on what?
    The reciept
  28. To show that you in checked the receipt documentation and property, what do you do?
    Signing your last name on the document and julian date
  29. How many copies of the receipt documentation during the in checking process should there be?
    2 is good but 3 is preferred
  30. If you have received 3 copies during the in-checking phase, what are they used for?
    • 1. Document Control
    • 2. Remote Input which is forwarded o the receiving sections computer processing area for input
    • 3. Warehouse, this one is kept until notice to stock or DOR is received from the computer processing area.
  31. If you only get 2 copies from in-checking, what are they for?
    • 1. Document Control
    • 2. Warehouse
  32. Reciepts are processed using what?
    Mulitscreens which requires two screens to make one transaction.
  33. What are the names of the two screens that are used during the multiscreening?
    • 1. Receipt Inquiry
    • 2. Receipt Processing Screen
  34. What is the receipt inquiry screen?
    The screen that collects data from the stored due-in detail records and uses it to build the second screen. It requires entry of the system designator and due-in document number for the receipt document.
  35. What's the significance of the receipt processing screen?
    Displays the data from the due-in detail record and allows you to finish processing the receipt
  36. When is the Due-in detail record deleted?
    When the quantity reaches 0.
  37. How do you know when there is a partial receipt?
    When there is a letter at the end of the document number
  38. After processing the receipt, then what?
    Move the property to where it can be either stored or delivered
  39. What are the four possible outputs that you can recieve right after processing the receipt to find where the item needs to go next?
    • 1. Notice to Stock
    • 2. Reject Notice
    • 3. DOR
    • 4. Unserviceable Notice
  40. What does it mean when you get a notice to stock?
    Send to STORAGE :)
  41. What does unserviceable notice mean?
    Item is damaged or unserviceable.
  42. What are the two possibilities that could occur from unserviceable notices?
    • 1. A transfer notice directing the item to DRMO.
    • 2. A bin notice directing the item to a reparable item storage area where it awaits dispositiong instructions from depot.
  43. What does a DOR mean?
    An item that we owe a customer
  44. What happens when you receive a reject notice?
    Just segregate it and correct internal records to allow processing of the receipt.
  45. When you reinput a rejected transaction, what do you do?
    Assign the temporary tote box/holding area with an R followed by numerals showing that the item is in the reject holding area.
  46. What are the four general categories of receipt discrepancies?
    • 1. Quantity
    • 2. Documentation
    • 3. Misidentified Items
    • 4. Unserveable Receipts
  47. What do you do when there is an overage?
    Make sure you annotate it on the reciept and tell inspector so that they can fill out a Standard Form 364, Report of Discrepancy
  48. What is a partial receipt?
    Comes up when the amount on the screen is greater than the amount on the document.
  49. What must you do when you discover that you have a partial receipt?
    • -Look for the suffix code at the end of the document number
    • -Enter it into the receipt processing screen
    • -Input the quanitity variance received, holding location, and a partial quantity flag P to indicate a partial receipt.
  50. When does an excess exists?
    When the quantity received is greater then the quanitity requisistioned but equal to the quantity shipped.
  51. What do you do for an excess receipt?
    • -Enter quantity variance flag E of the REC input before processing
    • -If the excess receipt quantity is less than $250, no SF 364 is required. Instead the DD Form 1155 local purchase documentation, is filled out.
    • -Stock Control will process an off-line SPR with an advice code 2E for the overage.
  52. When you receive an misidentified item what do you do with it?
    Send it to the inspector
  53. To process a misidentified property, which tex code do you use?
  54. What does TEX Code P mean?
    Damaged in shipment
  55. What does TEX Code Z?
    Hidden Defects
  56. What happens when you have items that are partial damaged?
    You make an extract documentation for the unserviceable portion as an unserviceable receipt.

    Process the serviceable portion of the receipt as a partial receipt.
  57. AFI 23-111 says what?
    Management of Government Property in Possession of the AF, "All personnel employed by the US government at an AF installation share the responsibility for managing public property.
  58. Who are the focal points for processing all property found on base?
  59. Who are the only ones that are able to determine the condition, status, and identity of property for mm account?
  60. What is status?
    Determines the use of an item for its intended purpose in its present state.
  61. What is the AF Form 2032?
    Inspection Extension
  62. What is the AF Form 350?
    Reparable Item Processing Tag
  63. 1577-2 and 1577-3 mean what?
    • Unserviceable Tag
    • Green
    • Unserviceable Items that can be repaired
  64. 1577 and 1577-1?
    • Unserviceable/ Condemned
    • Red
    • Can not be repaired
  65. 1576 and 1576-1?
    • Test Modification
    • Blue
    • Serviceable material that requires testing, alteration, modification, conversion, or disassembly before issure or shipment.
  66. 1575 and 1575-1?
    • Suspended
    • Brown
    • Suspended
  67. 1574 and 1574-1?
    • Serviceable
    • Yellow
  68. What two tags is the AF 2032 used for?
    1574 and 1575
  69. Use the AF Form 350 with what two tags?
    1577-2 and 1577-3
Card Set
Volume 4
Volume 4