1. What is fraternization?
  2. Personal relationships between senior and subordinate's unduly familiar and does not respect differences in authority or having senior subordinate supervisory relationship. Example: Student and instructor relationships
  3. What is sexual harassment?
  4. Form of sexual discrimination involving unwelcome sexual advances or behavior. Verbal or physical
  5. What is sexual politics?
  6. Using sex or sexual attractiveness to obtain favor or job related awards
  7. What is inappropriate behavior?
  8. Anything to make an individual feel uncomfortable like non sexual touching or obscene language
  9. What is harassment?
  10. Non sexual actions such as assigning extra work or duties for no reason or cause
  11. What does the traffic light system consist of?
  12. Green light - acceptable behavior such as counseling, tapping an elbow, social interaction, polite compliment...Yellow Light -possibly unacceptable behavior such as violating personal space, off color jokes, suggestive posters...Red light - always considered sexual harassment, threats, explicit picture, request for sexual favors
  13. Describe the informal grievance system?
  14. Solve the problem at the lowest level possible by confronting person possibly taking the situation to the chain of command to be forwarded to a higher level using the formal complaint form 5354/2 which is filed with a CAT team member.
  15. Describe the formal grievance system?
  16. Higher level of resolution involving possibly the EO, XO and CO...Situation is resolved with an initiation of a formal grievance in accordance with OPNAVINST 5354.IF. If member is not satisfied with the results it can be forwarded to a higher level
  17. What is the instruction for NAVOSH ashore?
  18. 5100.23G
  19. What is an MSDS and what are some things listed on it?
  20. Material Safety Data
    • Sheet...
    • Nomenclature, ingredients, physical/chemical characteristics, hazards, PPE to be
    • worn, handling procedures, disposal methods, etc
  21. What is the sole purpose of safety investigations in response to mishap reports?
  22. To identify how you prevent the incident to from happening again and NOT to establish accountability
  23. What is PPE?
  24. Personal Protective Equipment...Gloves, surgical masks, face shields, goggles, respirators, ear plugs
  25. How do you assign a RAC Code?
  26. Risk assessment code...measure the possibility of something to happen versus the severity if something does happen
  27. What are the laws of learning and briefly describe each?
  28. Readiness - students learn better when they are mentally and physically prepared
    • Effect - what's in it for me?
    • Primacy - students learn better if it's the first time learning something
    • Intensity - students retain info better through powerful exciting lessons
    • Exercise - repetition, repetition, repetition
  29. What are the elements of learning objectives?
  30. Behavior - what the learner should be able to do as an outcome of training Condition - limiting factors imposed on the student in satisfying performance goals Standard - criteria in what the students must meet
  31. What are the 3 domains of learning?
  32. Cognitive - defines the level of understanding student should be able to demonstrate
    • Affective - defines learning outcomes based from emotions, feeling, interest and attitude
    • Psychomotor - trial and error after learning experience
  33. What are the 4 learning styles and briefly describe each?
  34. Concrete - feeler
    • Active - doer
    • Reflective - watcher
    • Abstract – thinker
  35. What are 4 characteristics of instructional media?
  36. Accurate, simple, visible, necessary
  37. What some types questioning techniques?
  38. Factual, thought provoking, interest arousing, multiple answer, yes/no, canvassing
  39. What is the 5 step apple questioning technique?
  40. Ask
    • Pause
    • Pick
    • Listen
    • Emphasize/elaborate
  41. What are some ways used in oral questioning to make your instruction more effective?
  42. Focus on non volunteer students, prompt for answers, seek further clarification, reverse technique, re direct questions
  43. What are some ways an instructor can enhance motivation?
  44. Make the subject interesting, establish goals, provide feedback, show interest in your students, encourage participation
  45. What is VEGAS?
  46. Voice - speak in conversational tone, vary voice pitch
    • Kye contact - observe students to make them feel important
    • Gestures - reinforces what you are talking about without distracting
    • Attitude - supportive and positive always
    • Speech - use correct terminology
  47. What are different types of instructional methods?
  48. Lesson, demonstration, role playing, case study, discussion, lecture with visuals, lecture one way communication
  49. what is the purpose of counseling?
  50. Reduce attrition and setback, take preventative measures, provide motivation, allows instructor an opportunity to explore other areas causing problems or performance
  51. What is the procedure for conducting formal counseling?
  52. Prepare, establish an opening statement, conduct counseling, provide closing remarks, document the session using the NSHS counseling form NSHS 1510/6
  53. What are some reasons why an ARE would be conducted?
    Written test failures, lab failures, inability to perform in clinical, motivational/attitude problems, non adaptability cases
  54. what does an ARE Package consist of?
  55. ARE notification memorandum, student academic record, counseling records, service record, course student evaluation plan, health record (if needed) , ARE advisor input/referral/recommendation/disposition/status forms NSHS
  56. What are the procedures in conducting an ARE?
  57. Identify student, submit input form department head refers student, organize the ARE, student is contacted, student is interviewed, decision is made, package is forwarded to the CO, FINAL DISPOSITION IS DETERMINED BY THE CO, student is notified and interviewed by academic director
  58. What are some recommendations an ARE can make?
  59. Retention, academic probation, setback, disenrollment, referral to CO, further evaluations
  60. How many hours does the student have to appeal the ARE decision?
  61. 48 hours
  62. How many years are ARE packages retained?
  63. 5 years
  64. What is CANTRAC?
  65. Catalog of Navy training courses...contains information on schools, and courses to include course descriptions, NEC codes, class quotas
  66. What is NITRAS?
  67. Navy integrated training resource administration system...manages and supports the navy training effort
  68. What is the purpose of the instructor evaluation program?
  69. To improve the quality of training by improving instruction by identifying weakness, reinforce strong points, make suggestions, constructive criticism, determine effectiveness of training
  70. What is the purpose of in service training?
  71. To improve overall performance, education and development of personnel in the Navy...examples GMT' s NKO etc
  72. What are the steps used in developing a curriculum?
  73. Analyze,
    • design,
    • development,
    • implementation,
    • evaluation and
    • maintenance
  74. What are the procedures for starting curriculum change?
  75. Instructor provides input, input is reviewed, status if change is needed, idea is approved, any changes or recommendations should be routed through academic chain of command
  76. What are contents that fall under curriculum development?
  77. Project proposals, project plans, training requirements inventory, curriculum outline of instruction, lesson topic guides, course schedule summary, student guides, student evaluation plans
  78. what are some contents that fall under curriculum outlines?
  79. Course mission, security classification, course length, location of teaching, class quota, staffing requirements, mode of instruction etc
  80. What is the purpose of testing?
  81. Measures student achievement, assesses student ability to reason, identifies students that are deficient, provides feedback, motivates students to learn, evaluates students and instructors and curriculum effectiveness, improves the course or program
  82. What are 3 types of performance tests?
  83. Written test,
    • performance checklist,
    • product evaluation form
  84. What are some different types of test formats?
  85. Matching,
    • true/false,
    • multiple choice, short answer
  86. What is the function of test item analysis?
  87. Identifies adequate test items,
    • shows defective items or training aids/props/tools,
    • areas where learners need remediation,
    • bad test questions
  88. What are some instruments used for measuring student achievement?
  89. Content validity,
    • reliability,
    • inter rater reliability
  90. What are elements included in a validation plan?
  91. Class achievement,
    • validity and reliability of evaluation instruments,
    • student feedback,
    • instructor feedback
  92. What are elements included in an after instruction report?
  93. Summary of class achievement,
    • summary of student questionnaires,
    • instructor input,
    • test validity and reliability
  94. What is the purpose for student critiques?
  95. Additional evaluation of the effectiveness of the instruction
  96. What is the cyclical curriculum review?
  97. Evaluates Navy medical department's education and training programs
  98. What is the purpose of conducting surveys of graduates and their supervisors?
  99. Determines if the training provided to the graduates was adequate to meet the requirements of the assigned job
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