What disorder originates in the bone marrow and is initially systemic?
What disorder originates in the lymphoid tissues and is initially localized?
Name some of the theories behind oncogenic activation
- Viral - viruses can suppress immune function or activate oncogenes (HTLV-I, II, V) and HIV-I
- Bone marrow damage
- Chromosome defects
- Genetic factors
- Immune dysfunction
What test is diagnostic for acute promyelocytic leukemia?
How are malignant disorders classified and name some
- Classified by stem cell cell involved and length of clinical duration
- Lymphoproliferative disorders: actue or chronic
- Myeloproliferative disorders: acute or chronic
What specimens are used to aid in diagnosis is malignant disorders?
- Bone marrow exam - aspirate and biospy
- Peripheral blood exam - unexplained cytopenias
- Ongoing monitoring of response to therapy in patients with malignancy
- Assesses for cellularity, M:E ratio, megakaryocyte evaluation, iron stores, differential
- Flow cytomety, cytogenetics, molecular, and microbiology
What sites are used for bone marrow biopsies?
- Posterior superior iliac crest - most common
- Anterior iliac crest
- Sternum
How long is the duration for acute and chronic leukemias?
- Acute: weeks to months without treatment, death is due to infection and bleeding
- Chronic: Years without treatment
What is the predominant cell type in Acute and Chronic leukemias?
- Acute: Immature/blasts cells predominant
- AML: myeloblasts
- ALL: lymphoblasts
- Chronic: Maturing or mature cells predominate
- CML: granulocytes
- CLL: lymphocytes
What is the clinical and laboratory findings associated with acute leukemia?
- Sudden onset: affecting all ages
- Weakness and fatigue due to anemia
- petechiae and bruising due to thrombocytopenia
- Fever and infection due to neutropenia
- Variable leukocyte count:
- - WHO: Marrow blasts >/=20%
- - FAB - Marrow blasts >30%
- - with cellularity >70%
What is the clinical and laboratory findings associated with chronic leukemia?
- Frequently asymptomatic initially: affects adults
- Anemia: mild or absent
- Platelet: normal to slightly increased
- WBC: high
- Marrow cellularity is >70%
What type of treatment is used for acute and chronic leukemias?
- Chemotherapy used is dependent on type of leukemia - proper diagnosis is crucial
- Radiation
- Bone marrow/stem cell transplant
- Supportive with transfusions of RBCs and platelets, antibiotics, and growth factors
What is myeloperoxidase (MPO) stain used for?
- Auer rods stain positive
- Lymphocytic cells are negative for this stain
- Used to differentiate blasts of acute myelogenous leukemias (AMLs) from acute lymphoblastic leukemias (ALLs)
What is Sudan Black B stain used for?
- Stains phopholipids and lipoproteins
- Granulocytic cells and auer rods stain positive
- Lymphocytic cells are negative
- Used to differentiate blasts of AML from ALL
What is specific esterase stain (naphthol AS-D choloracetate esterase) used for?
- Detects esterase enzyme present in primary granules of granulocytic cells
- Monocytic cells negative for this stain
What is the nonspecific stain (alpha napthyl acetate and alpha napthyl butyrate) used for?
- Detects esterase enzyme present in monocytic cells
- Granulocytic cells are negative for this stain
What are the esterase stains useful in distinguishing?
Acute leukemias that are of myeloid origin from those leukemias that are of monocytic origin
What is Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain used for?
- Stains intracellular glycogen bright pink
- Immature lymphoid cells, malignant erythroblasts, and megakaryocytic cells stain positive
- Myeloblasts and normal erythrocytic cells are negative
- Useful in diagnosis of erythroleukemia and acute lympoblastic leukemia
What is Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase (LAP) stain used for?
- Detects alkaline phosphatase enzyme activity in primary granules of neutrophils
- Use to differentiate chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) from neutrophilic leukemoid reaction (NLR)
Describe the LAP (leukocyte alkaline phosphatase) score and the reference range
- 100 neutrophils are graded on a scale of 0-4+ based on stain intensity and size of granules
- Results are added together
- Reference range is 13-130
What is the clinical significance of a decreased LAP score?
- Paryoxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
What is the clinical significance of an increased LAP score?
- Neutrophilic leukemoid reaction
- Polycythemia vera
- CML in blast crisis
- Late trimester pregnancy
What is the tartrate-resistant acid phophatase stain (TRAP) used for?
- Only hairy cells from hairy cell leukemia are resistant to inhibitiion with tartrate and continue to stain positive
- All other cells negative
What is Perl's Prussian blue stain used for?
Free iron precipitates, cells called siderocytes (pappenheimer bodies with Wright's stain)
What is associated with increased percentage of siderocytes?
- Severe hemolytic anemias
- Iron overload
- Sideroblastic anemia
- Post splenectomy
- Ringed sideroblasts seen in bone marrow of myelodysplastic syndrome
What condition:
Symptoms: Fever, Bone/joint pain, Bleeding, Hepatosplenomegaly
Variable WBC count
hypercellular marrow with bone marrow blasts >/=20%
Lymphoblasts stain PAS POS
Acute Lympoproliferative Disorders
What FAB classification has the following findings:
Most common childhood leukemia
Small lymphoblasts, homogeneous appearance
Best prognosis
Most T cell ALLs
What FAB classification has the following findings:
Most common in adults
Large lymphoblasts, heterogeneous appearance
What FAB classification has the following findings:
Leukemic phase of Burkitt lymphoma
Seen in both adults and children
Lymphoblasts are large and uniform with prominent nucleoli, cytoplasm stains deeply basophilic and may show vacuoles
Poor prognosis
B Cell lineage
What acute lymphoproliferative disorder has the following findings:
High-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma phase of FAB L3 leukemia
Endemic in East Africa with high association with Epstein-Barr virus
Children present with jaw/facial bone tumors
US variant seen in children and young adults, present with abdominal mass
Burkitt lymphoma
What are the CD markers of progenitor B cells?
What are the most common subtype and early pre-B cells CD markers?
What are the CD markers of Pre-B cells and the 2nd most common subtype?
What are the CD markers of B cells?
What CD marker is present in all stages of B cells?
What genetic translocation is associated with FAB L3/Burkitt Lymphoma?
t(8;14) with rearrangement of the MYC oncogene
What genetic translocation is associated with Pre-B cell ALL?
What genetic translocation is associated with B cell ALL?
What genetic translocation is associated with T cell ALL?
What condition:
Bone marrow: hypercellular
Blood: absolute lymphocytosis of >5, homogeneous, small, hyperclumped lymphocytes, and smudge cells
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
What condition:
B cell malignancy (CD19, CD20 POS)
Massive splenomegaly, extensive bone marrow involvement results in dry tap on bone marrow aspiration
Cytoplasm of lymphocytes shows hair-like projections
Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) stain positive
Hairy cell leukemia (HCL)
What condition:
B cell or T cell malignancy
Marked splenomegaly
Lymphocytosis >100 with many prolymphs
Prolymphocytic leukemia (PLL)
Name the following cells identified with the following CD Markers:
CD2, CD3
CD11c, CD14
CD19, CD20
CD16, CD56
Name what the following cytochemical stains identify:
Sudan black B
Specific esterase stain
Non-Specific esterase stain
PAS (Periodic Acid-Schiff)
TRAP (Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase)