Eyes, Ears, Nose

  1. emmetropia
    normal vision
  2. hyperopia
    farsightedness....cant see close stuff
  3. myopia
    nearsightedness.....cant see far away stuff
  4. ptosis
    droopy eye
  5. sty
    infection of follicle of eye lash
  6. chazion
    chronic inflammation causing an obstruction/cyst in the sebaceous gland
  7. conjunctivitis
    • may be allergic or infections
    • bacterial is contagious and shows and yellow/green exudate
  8. blepharitis
    inflammation of eyelid
  9. keratitis
    inflammation of cornea
  10. macula
    central part of the retina where the rods and cones are densest
  11. epistaxis
  12. presbyopia
    aging of eye causing loss of accommodation and inability to focus on near objects
  13. presbycusis
    age related hearing loss of increased frequency hearing
  14. conductive hearing loss
    • hearing loss due to impairment of the outer ear, middle ear or both.
    • caused by ear wax, perforated ear drum, pus, hardening of middle ear bones
  15. sensory hearing loss
    • perceptive or nerve hearing loss caused by pathologic changes in the inner ear.
    • Cranial nerve #8 or auditory centers of the brain
  16. Open angle glaucoma
    • asymptomatic and slowly progressive
    • impeded drainage leading to IOP which eventuall destroys the optic nerve fxn
  17. S/S of open angle glaucoma
    • foggy/blurred vision
    • tired feeling in eye
    • cant focus
  18. Closed angle glaucoma
    • acute with buildup of IOP occurring in 1/2-1hr
    • pressure pushes iris fwd
  19. s/s of closed angle glaucoma
    • PAIN
    • pupil dilation
    • blurred vision with halo
    • N/V from pain
  20. What med can cause closed angle glaucoma?
    mydriatic agents....cuz are pupil dilaters
  21. When performing an assessment on a pt. with closed angle glaucoma, what will I see?
    • red eye
    • moderately dilated and NON REACTIVE pupil cuz iris becomes adhered to the trabicular meshwork
  22. List three meds that are used to treat glaucoma
    • Pilocarpine eye drops
    • Ocusert insert-releases pilocparpine in to eye for 1 week
    • Physostigmine-prolongs effects of acetylcholine in eye
  23. what does acetylcholine do for the eye?
    causes pupil constriction
  24. 3 major symptoms of cataracts:
    • blurred vision-first sign
    • hazy vision/fog
    • Glare in bright light

    gradual loss of vision....usually starts in one eye, then goes to the other eye
  25. Describe common surgery performed to remove cataracts.
    When do you get it done?
    Once ADL's are affected

    • Extracapsular Extraction
    • removal of the contents of the lens, but the posterior capsule is left in tact
    • attachment of intraocular lens
  26. Why is it important to treat retinal detachment?
    cuz it causes blindness if untreated
  27. Describe the surgery performed to repair retinal detachment
    • Scleral buckling
    • goal is to reapproximate both retinal layers to the choroid

    done by shortening the sclera to enhance contact btwn the choroid and retina
  28. 4 risk factor for developing macular degeneration
    • smoking
    • caucasian
    • family history
  29. 4 causes of epistaxis
    • irratation of mucous membranes
    • violent sneez/nose blowing
    • vit K deficiency
    • liver disease
    • heparin therapy
    • sever htn
  30. Describe first intervention to stop epistaxis
    • position pt in sitting position leaning fwd
    • chin tipped to chest
    • pinch soft tissue of nose against septum for 10 min
  31. Why are children more at risk for developing middle ear infections?
    due to the angle of the ear canal and the packing up of fluid when children get a cold

    drinking a bottle laying down
  32. List the triad of symptoms associated with Meniere's disease
    • Vertigo
    • tinnitus
    • neurosensory hearing loss/pressure in ears
  33. What is the #1 diagnosis for a patient with Meniere's disease?
    sudden onset of vertigo with N/V
  34. Rinne test
    makes use of airy and bone conduction

    • hit tuning fork
    • hold it close to auditory meatus till client cant hear it
    • then immediately apply the base of the tuning fork to the mastoid bone

    If pt cant hear it when by the mastoid bone...normal hearing
  35. What does a negative rinne test tell? 
    person is deaf due to conductive hearing loss
  36. Weber test
    makes use of bone conduction

    • place vibrating tuning for on the forehead
    • then ask pt if they hear the sound better in one ear or the other
  37. What does weber test tell?
    Tells if the person is deaf from conduction or perception

    In conductive deafness the sound is referred to the deafer ear.

    In perceptive deafness the sound is referred to the better ear
Card Set
Eyes, Ears, Nose
Eyes, ears, nose