Games Notes.txt

  1. A super rule B>D>H. Creates how many not laws?
    • Six not laws
    • What are they?
    • How many restrictions do each of them have?
  2. Super duper rule. H>D>A>B
    Creates how many not laws?
    • 12 not laws
    • What are they?
    • How many restrictions do each of them have?
  3. What is important about the variables that appear the most?
    They are the most powerful and should be examined the most.
  4. What should you look for if the setup is blank?
    Write in any duel or triple options
  5. What are things to pay attention to in games with floors?
    Whether or not there is anything with "consecutive" in it.

    Whether or not any floors are skipped, the skipped floors should be drawn in with XXs

    If a floor only has one floor, then close it in on the diagram
  6. What should you do with skipped days and floors?
    Pay attention to them by writting them in with XX or EE
  7. What are several words to look out for in games?
    • Consecutively
    • Exactly
    • Respectivly
  8. Draw g is visited once and it was in the 10th century

    • But once is more under the line
    • This is the same as exactly
  9. What does a game having mostly global questions mean?
    That it has many deep and challenging inferences
  10. If there is a global must be true question what should you do?
    You must answer it
  11. What are two structural limitations?
    Small group size which provides large potential for inferences

    Two value system. Always take the contrapositive especially in defined balanced games

    H1------>L2. Yields what

    H1---------->L1 yields what
  12. What can shared necessary conditions cause?
    If the two have opposite necessary conditions then the two sufficient. Conditions cant be offered together.
  13. What should you always do
    Recycle inferences
  14. If there are two things that could be the base which one should you use?
    The one with A definite number, if not possible then choose the one with the most inherent sense of order
  15. When are randoms more important to note, in games with 9-10 variables or games with 5-6 variables?
    Randoms are more important to note in games with smaller numbers of variables because they are stronger.
  16. What should you do in a sequencing games?
    Test the limits to see which variables can be first and last

    Circle any special variables

    Extend the dotted lines and arrows are possible
  17. What are the forgotten few?
    • Pattern
    • Circular linearity
    • Mapping
  18. What are 4 ways to identify pattern games?
    The games is linear based often with multiple stacks

    Typicallu the rules do not name individual variables and instead the rules govern the actions of all variables

    The setup is entirely free of placed or fixed variables so the setup usually takes minimal time

    There are very few global questions and many local ones
  19. How to attack pattern games
    Dont worry about the empty setup

    Focus on understanding the rules

    Do any list questions first

    If still have trouble do a local question with alot of info

    If still having trouble do a hypothetical
  20. What should the diagram look like in a circular linearity problem?
    A spoke
  21. How do the number of variables affect a circular linearity game?
    Even number of variable games have many opposite variable games (A sits opposite of B)

    In these games opposites arw the most important, and if there is no opposites then blocks are the most important

    Odd numbered games can't contain opposites, therefore blocks are the most important
  22. What are the six things to remember in circular linearity games?
    The diagram should be a spoke

    The number of variables affects the game

    If seat numbers exist then the first sits next to the last

    The phrases " to the right/left of" refer to the right and left of the variablw in question and not your right and left

    Places opposites first and then blocks

    Refer to previous work
  23. What are the three types of mapping?
    Spacial relations


    Supplied diagram
  24. Describe the three types of
    mapping games
    Spacial relations- the rules do not fix the physical relationships among the variables. Using this information allows the test taker to ascertain the relationships among the variables but not their exact position. Whether a variable is north or south of another is meaningless, so the best approach is to diagram the relationships with arrows or lines

    Directional- these games involve a fixed point and all other variables are placed N, S, E, W of that point. The best approach is to use the fixed point and draw each of the four quadrants (NE NW SE SW) around the point

    Supplied diagram- always use he diagram
  25. What should you consider in mapping games?
    • What is the direction of connection between the variables?
    • One way------>
    • Bidirectional -------- (noarrow)

    • Do the lines have to be straight?
    • If not they can loop around and drawing is meaningless

    • Can the lines intersect?
    • Vey important if the lines must be straight, because if you add no intersection then solutions are limited.
  26. What should be remembered about mapping games?
    Many mapping games are actuallu grouping games in disguise. So often the best approach is to diagram the grouping relationship as your primary diagram.

    Also negative grouping rules indicate a grouping game (if A then not B)
  27. What should you do if all you have are big conditionals or big blocks
    Examine them very closely and especially for a large block because it will probably be the key to the game
  28. What should you examine in games with unusual conditionals?
    Always take the contrapositive
  29. What should you do with conditionals containing or?
    Always write the or so that making inferences is easier
  30. What should you do when you see at least in a game
    • Write it in the rule like so
    • K------> at least 1 or 2

    Or write it inside the space of a block.
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Games Notes.txt
Games notes