IB psych bio

  1. Outline principles that define the biological level of analysis:
    • Animal research can relate to humans
    • Behaviour has a genetic basis
    • Behaviour is largely due to the nervous and endocrine systems
  2. Explain how principles that define the biological level of analysis may be demonstrated in research (that is, theories and/or studies)
    • Animal research can relate to humans
    • Selye rat study
    • Behaviour has a genetic basis
    • Twin studies
    • Behaviour is largely due to the nervous and endocrine systems
    • Neurotransmitters
  3. Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the biological level of analysis
    • Laboratory experimentation
    • Controlled, precise method of research - no side effect of affected results de to ecological validity
    • Laboratory observation
    • Again, controlled environment
    • Case studies
    • Ethical way of studying
    • 'Nature created experiment' - cheaper, easier, more ethical
  4. Discuss ethical considerations related to research at the biological level of analysis
    • Do no harm
    • Lesioning of brain
    • Twin studies - also privacy
  5. Explain one case study related to localisation of function in the brain
    Broca - Case studies

    • Aim - to locate the part of the brain most associated with speech
    • Procedure - studied patients with stroke and brain damage, post-mortems
    • Findings - Located Broca's area
    • Conclusion -
    • Critique - Case studies, not totally representative of population
  6. Using one or more examples, explain effects of neurotransmission on human behaviour
    • Way individual neurons communicate
    • Differing balances of chemicals in the brain can affect passing messages
    • Eg. Dopamine - feelings of pleasure - lower & higher levels
    • Noradrenalin - Arousal & alertness
  7. Using one or more examples, explain functions of two hormones in human behaviour
    • Melatonin - sleep/wake cycle, production levels affected by light levels
    • Cortisol - stress stuff
  8. Discuss two effects of the environment on physiological processes
    • Jet lag - circadian rhythm, melatonin, 25 hr cycle
    • Stress - Selye's study on rats

    • General Adaptation syndrome
    • Alert response exhaustion
  9. Discuss the use of brain imagining technologies in investigating the relationship between biological factors and behaviour
    • fMRI - shows localisation of function
    • CAT scan - series of xrays, shows bran damage & localisation of function
    • PET scans - in action, show blood flow
Card Set
IB psych bio
Syllabus questions for IB psychology biological level of analysis (with dot-point answers)