Chapter 6

  1. the term ____ refers to any formal or informal means used by society to enforce norms.
    Social control
  2. ____ theory focuses on how reputations can either set us on a path to deviance or divert us away from it.
  3. According to __________, people who encounter barriers to social goals exhibit four types of deviant behavior: innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion.
    Strain theory
  4. What is corporate crime?
    a special form of white-collar crime committed by executives in order to benefit their companies
  5. _____ regard power and social inequality as the main characteristics of society.
    Conflict theorists
  6. The tendency for society to classify crime as a sign of mental illness is known as __________.
    The medicalization of deviance
  7. Based on table 6.3 you are more likely to go to prison if you are
    african american than if you are latino
  8. Thoughts and actions are considered deviant __________
    only in relation to particular norms
  9. According to sociologists, most social deviants are biologically abnormal in some way. T/F

  10. A sociological approach to deviance differs from biological or psychological approaches in that it searches for __________.
    factors outside the individual
  11. Emile Durkheim’s basic insight was that deviance __________.
    contributes to the social order
  12. According to strain theory, whether a person engages in deviant behavior depends mostly upon -his or her __________.
    ability to achieve cultural goals through acceptable means
  13. Which of the four deviant paths rejects cultural goals but accepts the institutionalized means of achieving them?
  14. According to conflict theorists, how do those in power keep the working class and those below them from rebelling?
    By ensuring that the law comes down hard on those from this group who commit crimes.
  15. Which of the following is an example of a positive sanction?
    getting a promotion for a completing a large project
  16. In Richard Wright’s Native Son, Bigger Thomas and several of his friends, all of whom are young, underprivileged African-American males in 1940s Chicago, concoct a plot to rob a local grocer. This incident is an example of a(n) __________.
    illegitimate opportunity structure
  17. Sociologists use the term deviance to refer to any act __________.
    to which people respond negatively
  18. In which state would a resident be least likely to be a victim of a violent crime?
    • Maine
    • Most likely - Nevada
  19. Prostitution is an example of a __________ crime.
  20. Female in a low-cut shirt gets whispered about. These reactions are
    negative sanctions
  21. ____ theory recognizes that an individuals reputation may set him or her on a path to conformity or deviation.
  22. According to sociologists, genetic predispositions are the best indicators of deviant behavior. T/F
  23. _____ now incarcerates a larger share of its population than any other country in the world.
    The U.S.
  24. Most U.S. inmates are married: T/F
  25. Michael Harrington argued that when colonialism fell out of style, it was replaced by __________.
  26. Why would Karl Marx disagree with the functionalist view of social stratification?
    Marx believed that members of the elite are no more qualified than other people.
  27. How have the Most Industrialized Nations controlled many of the Least Industrialized Nations through neocolonialism?
    They sell weapons on credit, and keep them in debt.
  28. World system theory explains that global stratification came about through the __________.
    birth of an industrialized society
  29. Max Weber believed that social class had three components: property, power, and __________.
  30. According to Karl Marx, what do the bourgeoisie have that the proletarians do not have?
    means of production
  31. A company headquartered in Denmark builds its product in Senegal using supplies from Brazil. This is an example of __________.
    Globalization of capitalism
  32. Until recently, countries that were not industrialized capitalist nations or communist (or socialist) nations were labeled the __________ World.
  33. Stifling criticism as a means to maintain power __________.
    is accomplish through use of fear
  34. Which of the following variables formed the basis of the only example of a caste system ever present in U.S. history?
  35. Which form of economic system is most closely linked with wealthier nations?
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Chapter 6