Soc 5

  1. Groups we use as standards to evaluate ourselves are
    reference groups
  2. Another name for an instrumental group leader
    task-oriented leader
  3. Stanley Milgram's experiment was for
    seeing what people were willing to do when ordered by an authority figure
  4. Solomon Asch's experiment was for
    seeing conformity with peers
  5. Emile Durkheim argued that small groups help prevent ____ by standing as a buffer between the individual and the larger society.
  6. 5 characteristics of bureaucracies allow them to grow, endure and
    reach their goals
  7. How do bosses feed into self-fulfilling sterotypes
    They provide better info to people who have characteristics similar to theirs
  8. A leader who asks for everyone's input is a _____ leader
  9. Max Weber: Bureaucracies have the following characteristics - Division of labor, written rules and regulations, _____, and impersonality and replace-ability.
    Written communications and records
  10. 4 ladies in the same office work on a project together and then start eating lunch every day. They are a
    Clique: a cluster of people within a larger group
  11. A coworker whom you never see outside of work is a part of your
    social network
  12. Example of the way a division of labor functions in a bureaucracy. (Bookstore)
    An author asks a bookseller whether she can do a reading at the store, and the bookseller transfers the call to the events director.
  13. Alienation
    Marx believed workers did not identify with the product of their labor because they participate in only a small part of the production process.
  14. Lippitt and White found that boys in groups who had ____ leaders were more likely to ____
    democratic, act friendly and look to one another for mutual approval
  15. Standardized shopping malls, package tourism and short, non-analytical news stories are some examples of _____
    McDonaldization of society
  16. Georg Simmel would agree with:
    as a small group grows larger, relationships become more intense and intimate.
  17. according to Irving Janis, people participating in groupthink limit _____, resulting in a narrow view of the issue.
    Additional points of view
  18. Why is hidden corporate culture considered 'hidden'?
    No one in the workplace is conscious of its existence.
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Soc 5