A&P test 3.txt

  1. 1. If a patient inhales as deeply as possible and then exhales a much as possible, the volume of air expelled would be the patient’s

    A. vital capacity.
  2. 2. The digestive tract is also referred to as the

    B. alimentary canal and the GI tract.
  3. 3. Which of the following is an accessory organ of digestion?

    D. pancreas
  4. 4. The enzyme pepsin digests

    C. proteins.
  5. 5. Approximately the last 15 cm of the digestive tract is the

    C. rectum.
  6. 6. The rig-shaped cartilage just inferior to the thyroid cartilage is the_________ cartilage.

    C. cricoids
  7. 7. The region of the stomach that empties into the duodenum is the

    E. pylorus.
  8. 8. During exercise, which of the following contract for active exhalation:

    A. rectus abdominis and internal intercostal muscles
  9. 9. What organ is primarily responsible for water absorption?

    D. large intestine
  10. 10. During a choking episode, most foreign objects are lodged in the ______broncus due to its larger diameter and steeper angle.

    D. right primary
  11. 11. The larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles all make up the

    A. lower respiratory tract.
  12. 12. The term _____ describes the result from an injury that permits air to leak into the intrapleural space.

    B. pneumonthorax
  13. 13. Expiratory movements are produced by contraction of the _____muscle.

    E. internal intercostal
  14. 14. G cells of the stomach secrete

    C. gastrin.
  15. 15. Functions of the stomach include all of the following, except

    A. absorption of triglycerides.
  16. 16. Asthma is

    E. an acute condition resulting from unusually sensitive, irritated conducting airways.
  17. 17. Functions of the large intestine include

    A. resorption (absorption) of water and compacted of feces.
  18. 18. Digestion refers to the

    D. mechanical and chemical breakdown of food.
  19. 19. Each of the following is a function of the liver, except

    E. antibody production.
  20. 20. Which respiratory organ(s) has a cardiac notch?

    D. left lung
  21. 21. The condition resulting from inadequate production of surfactant and the resultant collapse of alveoli is

    D. respiratory distress syndrome.
  22. 22. Decompression sickness is a painful condition that develops when a person is exposed to a sudden drop in atmospheric pressure. Bubbles of the ____ gas are responsible for the problem.

    A. nitrogen
  23. 23. The respiratory defense system is important because it

    B. All of the answers are correct.
  24. 24. The ____ are double sheets of peritoneal membrane that suspend the visceral organs and carry nerves, lymphatics, and blood vessels.

    D. mesenteries
  25. 25. The pylorus empties into the

    B. duodenum.
  26. 26. The right lung is ____as the left lung is to ____.

    A. three lobes; two lobes
  27. 27. A disease that attacks and disables the myenteric plexus would

    A. decrease intestinal motility.
  28. 28. The functions of the oral cavity include all of the following, except

    E. absorption of monosaccharides.
  29. 29. Parietal cells secrete

    C. hydrochloric acid
  30. 30. The auditory tubes open into the

    A. nasopharynx.
  31. 31. Which organ is responsible for dehydration and compaction of indigestible materials?

    C. large intestine
  32. 32. The activities of the digestive system are regulated by

    A. All of the answers are correct.
  33. 33. A pulmonary embolism can be caused by ____becoming trapped in a pulmonary artery.

    C. All of the answers are correct.
  34. 34. External respiration involves the

    A. diffusion of gases between the alveoli and the circulating blood.
  35. 35. The nasal cavity, pharynx, and larynx constitute the ____portion of the airway.

    A. conducting
  36. 36. The most superior portion of the lung is termed the

    D. apex.
  37. 37. Functions of the nasal cavity include all of the following, except

    D. acting as a damping chamber when coughing.
  38. 38. Large blood vessels and lymphatics are found in the

    D. submucosa.
  39. 39. Air moves out of the lungs when the pressure inside the lungs is

    A. greater than the pressure in the atmosphere.
  40. 40. A feature of the digestive tract wall that increases surface area available for absorption is the

    B. plicae.
  41. 41. Which of the following contains adipose tissue and provides spading for the anterior and lateral portions of the abdomen?

    B. greater omentum
  42. 42. The actual sites of gas exchange within the lungs are

    E. alveloli.
  43. 43. During deglutition, which of the following phases is not present?

    C. gastric
  44. 44. Respiratory function deteriorates as a result of pneumonia because inflammation

    B. causes fluids to leak into the alveoli.
  45. 45. The fusion of the hepatic duct and the cystic duct forms the

    A. common bile duct.
  46. 46. Tuberculosis results from an infection by the bacterium

    C. Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  47. 47. ________are also know as canines.

    C. cuspids
  48. 48. Waves of muscular contractions that propel the contents of the digestive tract are called

    B. peristalisis
  49. 49. The ______gland empties into the oral cavity at the level of the second upper molar.

    B. parotid
  50. 50. Which direction does carbon dioxide move during internal respiration?

    C. from the tissue cells into the blood
  51. 51. Peyer patches are characteristic of the

    D. ileum.
  52. 52. Inhaling through the nostrils is preferred over the mouth because

    C. it allows better conditioning of the inhaled air.
  53. 53. A common site to place a tracheostomy tube is through the ligament that connects the cricoids cartilage to the ____ cartilage.

    c. thyroid
    • a. corniculate
    • b. epiglottic
    • c. thyroid
    • d. cuneiform
    • e. vestibular
  54. 54. The process by which dissolved gases are exchanged between the blood and interstitial fluids is

    B. internal respiration.
  55. 55. Chief cells secrete

    C. pepsinogen.
  56. 56. The duodenal ampulla receives secretions from the

    E. common bile duct and the pancreatic duct
  57. 57. The glottis is

    E. the opening to the larynx
  58. 58. Each of the following organs is a component of the digestive tract, except the

    B. bladder.
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A&P test 3.txt