US Navy RTC Chain of Command(1-5)

  1. Who is 1st in command?
    President of the United States: Barack Obama
  2. Who is 2nd in command?
    Vice President of the United States: Joe Biden
  3. Who is 3rd in command?
    Secretary of Defense: Chuck Hagel
  4. Who is 4th in command?
    Secretary of Navy: Ray Mabus
  5. Who is 5th in command?
    Chief of Naval Operations: Admiral Jonathan Greenert
  6. Who is Barack Obama?
    President of the United States
  7. Who is Joe Biden?
    Vice President of the United States
  8. Who is Chuck Hagel?
    Secretary of Defense
  9. Who is Ray Mabus?
    Secretary of Navy
  10. Who is Admiral Jonathan Greenert?
    Chief of Naval Operations
  11. Who is the President of the United States?
    Barack Obama
  12. Who is the Vice President of the United States?
    Joe Biden
  13. Who is the Secretary of Defense?
    Chuck Hagel
  14. Who is the Secretary of Navy?
    Ray Mabus
  15. Who is the Chief of Naval Operations?
    Admiral Jonathan Greenert
Card Set
US Navy RTC Chain of Command(1-5)
US Navy RTC Chain of Command from the President(1)- Chief of Naval Operations(5)