Trent Science 4

  1. characteristic that can be observed without changing the composition of a substance
    physical property
  2. includes things that can be observed with the senses
  3. describes the way some substances behave
  4. temperature at which a solid can change to a liquid
    melting point
  5. temperature at which a ___ substance melts is unchanging under constant conditions
  6. how can the melting point of a pure substance be used for identification?
    as a physical property
  7. at what temperature does ice melt to form liquid water?
    0 degrees C (32 degrees F)
  8. temperature at which a liquid boils
    boiling point
  9. during the process of boiling, substances changes from ___ to ___
    • liquid
    • gas
  10. begins when the liquid starts to form bubbles throughout, which grow larger, rise to the surface, and burst
  11. as long as the substance is boiling, temperature of the liquid remains ___
  12. boiling point is unchanging under constant conditions for a given substance and can be used as ___ for identification of the substance
    physical property
  13. boiling point for pure water at sea level
    100 C (212 F)
  14. measurements that can describe physical properties
    • volume
    • mass
    • density
  15. property that describes the relationship between mass of material and its volume
  16. substances that are denser contain more matter in a given ___
  17. what will the density of a substance do no matter how large or small the sample of the substance?
    stay the same
  18. is color by itself a significant identifier of a substance?
  19. is absence of color a physical property?
  20. characteristic that cannot be observed without altering the substance
    chemical property
  21. chemical properties that can be used to help identify a substance
    • ability to burn
    • tendency to rust
    • reaction to other substances such as acids
Card Set
Trent Science 4
physical and chemical properties