informative main point 3.txt

  1. the fire department and police department
    were now able to work together more cohesively.
  2. To be able to work together,
    workers from different agencies must have an understanding about the other agencies and have similar training.
  3. Durso (2011) states, “The national
    incident command system required the emergency care workers to have similar training exercises.”
  4. This meant that working together
    and communicating across agencies was going to be a lot more efficient and effective.
  5. The new cohesive system of
    emergency care was supported by greater knowledge and preparedness throughout the system.
  6. Each EMS worker
    understood and knew the capabilities of all the agencies.
  7. The fire chiefs
    and the Battalion chiefs were also trained to be able to run both agencies.
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informative main point 3.txt
informative main point 3.txt