OB test 4

  1. allele
    alternate gene form
  2. karyotype
    chromosomes arranged from largest to smallest pairs
  3. monosomy
    cells with only one chromosome
  4. mutation
    variation in a gene affecting function
  5. polymorphism
    common gene variation
  6. polyploidy
    cell with an added set of chromosomes
  7. somatic cell
    body cells other than germ cells
  8. teratogen
    agent that causes or increases the risk for a birth defect
  9. translocation
    all or part of a chromosome attached to anotehr
  10. trisomy
    one extra chromosome present in each body cell
  11. autosomal recessive
    must receive copy from both parents; no sex difference
  12. autosomal dominant
    may receive copy from either parent; no sex difference
  13. X-linked recessive
    because females are carriers, child receives abnormal gene from mother; males affected because because they don't have compensating normal X chromosome; affected fathers will pass on abnormal genes to daughters, who become carriers, but not to their sons
  14. amenorrhea
    absence of menstruation
  15. chloasma
    mask of pregnancy
  16. hyperemia
    excess of blood in a part of the body
  17. multigravida
    a woman who has been pregnant more than once
  18. physiologic anemia of pregnancy
    fall in hct that occurs because plasma volume expands more than RBC volume
  19. striae gravidarum
    irregular reddish streaks caused by tears in connective tissue; "stretch marks"
  20. ambivalence
    conflicting emotinos
  21. couvade
    pregnancy-related rituals experienced by some prospective fathers
  22. introversion
    inward concentration
  23. mimicry
    copying the behavior of others
  24. narcissism
    preoccupation with self
  25. role transition
    changing from one pattern of behavior to another
  26. weeks uterus can be palpated above symphysis pubis
  27. weeks fundus can be palpated about halfway between symphysis pubis and umbilicus
  28. weeks fundus is at level of umbilicus
  29. weeks fundus is at xiphoid process
  30. Chadwick's sign
    bluish color that often extends to vagina and labia; caused by hyperemia
  31. Goodell's sign
    cervical, uterine, and vaginal softening with increased vascularity and softening of the connective tissue
  32. mucous plug
    plug caused by increased secretion of mucus from cervical glands that block ascent of bacteria from vagina
  33. bloody show
    mixture of cervical mucus and a small amount of blood; disruption of mucus plug and small capillaries of cervix
  34. supine hypotensive syndrome
    lying in supine position places heavy uterus over aorta and inferior vena cava, which temporarily occludes these vessels

    s/s include faintness, lightheadedness, dizziness, agitatino and sometimes unconciousness

    this position can reduce placental blood flow
  35. What should nurse do to prevent or relieve supine hypotension syndrome?
    position woman on her side or with pillow under 1 hip
  36. weeks it is possible to find FHR with Doppler
  37. how is Nagele's rule calculated?
    subtract 3 months and add 7 days from LMP
  38. gynecologic age
    number of years since onset of mentruation
  39. heme iron
    iron form most usable by body; obtained from meath, poultry and fish
  40. kilocalorie
    measure of teh energy value of food
  41. lactovegetarian
    vegetarian who includes milk products in the diet
  42. lacto-ovovegetarian
    vegetarian who includes milk and eggs in diet
  43. ovovegetarian
    vegetarian who inclues eggs in diet
  44. pica
    ingestion of nonfood substance
  45. nonheme iron
    iron form less usable by body; obtained from plants
  46. nutrient density
    quality of the protein, vitamins, and minerals per 100 calories
  47. vegetarian
    one whose diet is primarily plant foods and who avoids animal foods
  48. vegan
    one who eats no animal products
  49. normal (BMI 25-29.9) pregnancy weight gain
    25-35 lbs
  50. BMI <18.5 pregnancy weight gain
    28-40 lbs
  51. BMI >30 pregnancy weight gain
    at least 11 lbs
  52. general guideline for pregnancy weight gain is _____ during the 1st trimester
    0.5-2 kg (1.1-4.4 lbs)
  53. general guideline for pregnancy weight gain per week after 1st trimester
    0.35-0.5kg (0.8-1 lb)
  54. kcal/day more woman should take in after early pregnancy 
  55. daily prepregnancy protein average need
  56. protein needed during pregnancy
    71g daily
  57. calcium supplement is best taken ________
    with food
  58. food high in ______ may enhance absorotion of iron
    vit C
  59. amniotomy
    artificial rupture of the amniotic sac
  60. attitude
    relationship of fetal body parts to one another
  61. crowning
    appearance of the fetal presenting part at teh vaginal opening
  62. EDD
    estimated date of delivery
  63. engagement
    descent of widest fetal presenting parto to zero presentation
  64. molding
    change in the shape of the fetal head during birth
  65. nuchal cord
    umbilical cord around fetal neck
  66. station
    measurement of descent of the fetal presenting part
  67. why should nurse regularly check woman's bladder during labor?
    full bladder increases pain and interferes with fetal descent
  68. most common variations in fetal lie
    • longitudinal (common)
    • transverse (rare)
  69. most common variations in fetal attitude
    • flexion (common)
    • extention (rare)
  70. most common variation in fetal presentation
    • cephalic (common)
    • breech
    • shoulder (rare)
  71. fetal anatomic reference point for vertex presentation
  72. fetal anatomic reference point for face presentation
  73. fetal anatomic reference point for breech presentation
  74. cm dilated in latent phase
    up to 3cm
  75. cm dilated in active phase
  76. cm dilated in transition phase
    8-10 or complete
  77. 4 signs suggesting placenta has been separated
    • 1.  uterus has spherical shape
    • 2.  uterus rises upward in abd
    • 3.  cord descends further from vagina
    • 4.  gush of blood
  78. when a nurse should NOT perform vaginal exam
    when actively bleeding (not bloody show) because exam may increase bleeding
  79. important nusing assessments when ROM occurs
    • time
    • spontaneous vs artificial
    • quantity
    • FHR for at least 1 minute
    • color
    • odor
    • other characteristics of amniotic fluid
  80. immediate nursing care of newborn
    • supporting cardiopulmonary and thermoregulatory function
    • placing ID bracelet
  81. focus of nursing care for mother during 4th stage of labor
    • observing for hemorrhage
    • relieving discomfort
Card Set
OB test 4
OB test 4