PSY 132

  1. Sensory information changed into a usable form to enter short-term memory in the process of
  2. Which of the following refers to memories for skills such as tying your shoe laces?
  3. Which statement about LTM is true?
    it is relatively permanent, it has a finite capacity
  4. Multiple choice tests utilize which kind of memory retrieval?
  5. An essay test would require which type of retrieval?
  6. Allison can remember her current phone number but has forgotten the phone number at her last residence. This is considered an example of
    retroactive interference
  7. Learning alters the ______ of brain cells.
  8. Which part of the brain seems responsible for the formation of permanent memories?
  9. Forgetting because we never really formed the memory in the first place is termed
    encoding failure
  10. A fleeting visual image that remains for about half a second after the original stimulus is gone is an
  11. The first potential cause of forgetting that may  occur is
    encoding failure
  12. To quality as repression, forgetting must be
  13. Which of the following is not considered a part of long term memory?
    echoic memory
  14. Chunking helps to increase the capacity of which of the following
  15. Procedural memory includes which of the following?
    tying shoes,driving a car,riding a bike
  16. ______ memory seems to have an almost unlimited capacity for storage.
  17. Middle items are neither held in STM nor moved to LTM. This statement explains the
    Serial position of effect
  18. Mnemonic techniques are used to help
    remember information
  19. One method that should NOT be used when studying for an exam is
    massed practice
  20. STM can hold how many items at one time
    seven plus or minus 2
  21. T or F
    Sensory memory last for a few minutes.
  22. T or F
    Selective attention influences what information enters STM.
  23. LTM is relatively permanent as we tend to update,change,lose,or revise our old memories.
  24. T or F
    Tests of recognition require verbatim memory.
  25. T or F
    The presence of memory cues almost always improves memory.
  26. T or F
    Unconsciously forgetting painful memories is called negative transfer.
  27. T or F
    Retrograde amnesia is a gap in memories of events preceding a head injury.
  28. T or F
    Enhancing memory is now possible by taking a memory pill.
  29. T or F
    Massed practice is almost always superior to spaced practice.
  30. T or F
    People with damage to the hippocampus typically cannot remember events that occurred before the damage.
  31. T or F
    Repression is the forgetting unconsciously of painful or traumatic memories.
  32. T or F
    Episodic memories are created at emotionally significant times.
  33. T or F
    Failure to encode information is a common cause of forgetting.
  34. T or F
    Flashbulb memories tend to form when an event is surprising or emotional.
  35. T or F
    Recall and recognition are used to measure memories.
  36. T or F
    The cerebellum has no part in the storing of memories.
  37. T or F
    Incoming information must be encoded before it is stored in memory.
  38. T or F
    ECS may affect both STM and LTM.
  39. T or F
    Elaborative rehearsal is a more effective way to retain information in STM before being stored in LTM.
  40. T or F
    The hippocampus is a brain structure associated with consolidation of memories.
  41. LTM
    stores memories permanently
  42. Sensory
    selective attention
  43. STM
    working memory
  44. Which is not one of the three basic units of thought?
  45. Concepts that are defined by the presence of two or more features are called
  46. Which of the following refers to concepts such as 'larger','above',and 'left'?
  47. All of the following are considered faulty conceptualization?
    social stereotyping, all or nothing thinking,prototypical thinking
  48. Which aspect of language is violated by the English sentence, "I to School go".?
  49. ASL
    is a true language,stands for American Sign Language, is a gestural language
  50. Trial and error learning is an example of
    a mechanical solution
  51. Which term refers to a strategy that is a "rule of thumb"?
  52. Which common barrier to problem solving includes functional fixedness?
    learned barriers
  53. In creative thinking,______is the total number of suggestions you are able to make.
  54. Brainstorming is a creativity technique in which
    producing and evaluating ideas are kept separate.
  55. Synaesthesia is an unusual form of
  56. The Anagrams Test measures
    divergent thinking
  57. A consequences test is one used to
    test one's creativity
  58. Experts are better problem solvers because they
    have more acquired strategies
  59. T or F
    Creative people have an openness to experience and they have a wide range of knowledge and interests.
  60. T or F
    Images are generalized ideas of a class of related objects or events.
  61. T or F
    Experiencing color sensations while listening to music is an example of mental rotation.
  62. T or F
    Classifying things as absolutely right or wrong may lead to all-or-nothing thinking.
  63. T or F
    Encoding is the study of the meanings of language.
  64. T or F
    An algorithm is a learned set of rules for language.
  65. T or F
    Functional fixedness is an inability to see new uses for familiar objects.
  66. T or F
    In inductive thinking, a general rule is inferred from specific examples.
  67. T or F
    Learned barriers lead to functional fixedness.
  68. T or F
    Originality is defined as having unusual and novel solutions.
  69. The global capacity to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with the environment describes
  70. Aptitude tests can be both _______ and _______.
    special and multiple
  71. The SAT is which type of aptitude test
  72. Reliability only refers to which of the following?
    Intelligence tests,aptitude tests,psychometric tests
  73. The five cognitive factors that make up the Stanford-Benet-5 are which of the following
    Knowledge,Fluid reasoning,working memory
  74. The first group intelligence test was which of the following?
    Army alpha
  75. Average intelligence is usually described as a score of
  76. Intelligence quotients are found by
    dividing mental age by chronological age times 100
  77. Validity of tests refers to
    The ability of a test to measure what it purports to measure
  78. IQ tests are not dependable until about age
  79. Gifted children are identified by
    High IQ or special talents or aptitudes
  80. The levels of intellectual disability depends on an IQ range. The mild range is
    50-55 to 70
  81. The disorder that causes moderate to severe intellectual disability and is caused by an extra 21st chromosome is called
    Down's syndrome
  82. Fluid intelligence is the intelligence that can process problems faster and has more rapid insight. After middle age, what occurs?
    Fluid intelligence declines
  83. T or F
    Twin studies prove that heredity is more important than environment in IQ scores.
  84. T or F
    Identical twins are those that develop from a single egg and have identical genes.
  85. T or F
    Early childhood educational programs were designed for upper-class preschoolers.
  86. T or F
    Metacognitive skills are those that help a person manage their own thinking and problem solving efforts.
  87. T or F 
    Multiple intelligence's, as defined by Howard Gardener include such intelligences as language,logic,math,music,etc.
  88. T or F
    Reflective intelligence is the speed in which a person can mentally process info.
  89. T or F
    Males and females differ greatly in their abilities on a general intelligence test.
  90. T or F
    Mental age is the average mental ability displayed by people of a given age.
  91. T or F
    Visual-spatial processing involves putting picture puzzles together and reproducing patterns.
  92. T or F
    A general intelligence test measures a wide variety of mental abilities.
Card Set
PSY 132
Chap. 7,8,9