Anthropology Exam 2

  1. Four Fields of Anthropology
    • –Archaeology
    • –Physical Anthropology
    • –Cultural Anthropology
    • –Linguistic Anthropology
  2. Anthropology is...
    Holistic, Comparative, and Fieldwork-based
  3. How is anthropology comparative?
    • •Ethnocentrism
    • –frames of reference
    • •Cultural Relativity
    • •Commonalities
  4. How is Anthropology holistic?
    the four fields, and applied anthropology
  5. Ethnography
    • -Major research tool of cultural anthropology
    • -Includes both fieldwork among people in society and written results of fieldwork
  6. Anthropology began in...
    late 19th Century as a comparative science
  7. Ethnographers before concentrated on...
    small-scale, technologically simpler societies
  8. Cultures before were placed on...
    evolutionary scales of cultural development
  9. Franz Boas
    • -father of American anthropology
    • -insisted that grasping whole of culture could be achieved only through fieldwork
    • -Argued that cultures are products of their own history and are unique and particular
    • -Insisted that anthropologists free themselves as much as possible from ethnocentrism and practice cultural relativism
  10. Bronislaw Malinowski
    • -Stressed interrelations among elements of culture
    • -Emphasized notion of function: contributions made by social practices and institutions to maintenance and stability of a society
  11. What is Fieldwork?
    • -systematic exploration of a society
    • -Develops holistic perspective about culture
    • -involves living with group of people, participating in, and observing their behavior
  12. What is Participant Observation?
    -The fieldwork technique that involves gathering cultural data by observing people’s behavior and participating in their lives
  13. Institutional Review Board (IRB)
    A committee organized by a university or other research institution that approves, monitors, and reviews all research that involves human subjects
  14. Culture Shock
    Feelings of alienation and helplessness that result from rapid immersion in a new and different culture
  15. Fieldwork Techniques
    • -Participant observation
    • -Interviewing
    • -Photography
    • -Mapping
    • -Silent observation
    • -Serving apprenticeships
  16. Research Styles of Ethnography
    Emic perspective and Etic perspective
  17. Emic perspective
    examining a society using concepts and distinctions that are meaningful to that culture
  18. Etic perspective
    examining societies using concepts, categories, and rules derived from science

    an outsider’s perspective
  19. Informant (consultant)
    • -Sometimes also called key informant.
    • -Person from whom an anthropologist gathers data
  20. ethnology
    attempt to find general principles or laws that govern cultural phenomena
  21. Human Relations Area Files (HRAF)
    an ethnographic database that includes descriptions of many cultures and is used for cross-cultural research
  22. About Feminist Anthropology
    • -Encourages research that elicits a female perspective in a society, acknowledges
    • significant role that females play in all human cultures, and approaches culture from behind-the-scenes as well as publicly
  23. Postmodernism
    -Theory that focuses on issues of power and voice
  24. Collaborative Anthropology
    Ethnography that gives priority to cultural consultants on the topic, methodology, and written results of research
  25. Engaged Anthropology
    Includes political action as a major goal of fieldwork.

    Engaged anthropologists have no difficulty choosing sides in political contests
  26. Native Anthropology
    • -An anthropologist who does fieldwork in his or her own culture
    • -Anthropologists must maintain social distance of outsider
  27. (Ethical Considerations) Anthropologists must...
    • -Obtain consent of people to be studied
    • -Protect them from risk and respect their privacy and dignity
    • -Protect other anthropologists and future research possibilities.
    • -Publish research findings
  28. Subsistence Strategies
    -The ways in which societies transform material resources of the environment into food, clothing, and shelter
  29. Subsistence Strategies developed in response to..
    • -Seasonal variation in the environment.
    • -Environmental variations such as drought, flood, or animal diseases
  30. Major Subsistence Strategies
    • •Foraging
    • •Pastoralism
    • •Horticulture
    • •Agriculture
    • •Industrialism
  31. Foraging
    • •Relies on food naturally available in the environment
    • •Strategy for 99% of time humans have been on earth
    • •Limits population growth and complexity of social organization
  32. Pastoralism
    • •Caring for domesticated animals which produce both meat and milk
    • •Involves a complex interaction among animals, land, and people
    • •Found along with cultivation or trading relations with food cultivators
  33. About Transhumant Pastoralism
    • •Found mostly in East Africa
    • •Men and boys move animals regularly throughout the year to different areas as
    • pastures become available at different altitudes or in different climatic zones
    • •Women and children and some men remain at a permanent village site
  34. Nomadic Pastoralism
    • •The whole population—men, women, and children—moves with the herds throughout the year
    • •There are no permanent villages
  35. Horticultural
    • •Production of plants using non-mechanized technology
    • •Plant and harvest with simple tools, without use of animals, irrigation, or plows
    • •Typically a tropical forest adaptation and requires cutting and burning of jungle to clear fields for cultivation
  36. Swidden (slash and burn)
    -(slash and burn)

    -A form of cultivation in which a field is cleared by felling the trees and burning the brush
  37. Agriculture
    • (Intensive Cultivation)
    • •Production of plants using plows, animals, and soil and water control
    • •Associated with:
    • –Sedentary villages, the rise of cities
    • –Occupational diversity
    • –Social stratification
  38. Peasants
    Rural cultivators who produce for the subsistence of their households, but are also integrated into larger, complex state societies
  39. Transition to Industrial Economy Had an effect on many aspects of society:
    • •Population growth
    • •Expanded consumption of resources
    • •International expansion
    • •Occupational specialization
    • •Shift from subsistence strategies to wage labor
  40. Economic System
    • -Part of society that deals with production, distribution, and consumption of
    • goods and services
  41. Economics
    the study of how the choices people make determine how their society uses its resources to produce and distribute goods and services
  42. Economizing behavior
    defined by economists is choosing a course of action that pursues the course of perceived maximum benefit
  43. Allocating Resources
    • -Each society has rules to regulate access to resources
    • -Productive resources
    • -Usufructory rights
  44. Each society has rules to regulate access to resources
    Land, water, labor, and the materials from which tools are made
  45. Productive resources
    -used to create other goods or information: Material goods, natural resources, or information
  46. Usufructory rights
    The right to use something (usually land) but not to sell it or alter it in substantial ways
  47. Capital
    • -Productive resources that are used with the primary goal of increasing their owner’s
    • financial wealth

    -Principal form of economic organization in capitalist societies
  48. Organizing Labor
    -Labor is just  one aspect of membership in a social group such as the family
  49. Households
    -In most nonindustrial societies, production is based around the household
  50. Sexual Division of Labor
    • -Universal characteristic of society
    • -In foraging societies, men generally hunt and women generally gather
    • -In agricultural societies, both men and women play important roles in food production
  51. Three Main Systems of Exchange
    • -Reciprocity
    • -Redistribution
    • -Market exchange
  52. Reciprocity
    Mutual give-and-take among people of equal status

    Generalized reciprocity and Balanced reciprocity
  53. Generalized reciprocity
    A distribution of goods with no immediate or specific return expected
  54. Balanced reciprocity
    Exchange of goods of nearly equal value, with a clear obligation to return them within a specified time limit
  55. Kula Ring
    A pattern of exchange among many trading partners in the Trobriands and other South Pacific islands
  56. Redistribution
    Exchange in which goods are collected from members of the group and then redistributed to the group

    Ex. Potlatch, Leveling mechanism, Cargo system
  57. Potlatch
    a competitive giveaway practiced by Kwakiutl and other groups of the northwest coast of North America
  58. Leveling mechanism
    a practice, value, or form of social organization that evens out wealth within a society
  59. Cargo system
    a ritual system common in Central and South America in which wealthy people are required to hold a series of costly ceremonial offices
  60. Market Exchange
    -Economic system in which goods and services are bought and sold at a price determined by supply and demand
  61. Characteristics of Capitalism
    • -Most productive resources are owned by a small portion of the population
    • -Most individuals’ primary resource is their own labor
    • -value of workers’ contribution to production is always intended to be greater than the wages they receive
  62. Surplus Value of Labor
    Marxist term for the difference between the wages a worker is paid and the value of their contribution to production to the capitalist
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Anthropology Exam 2
anthropology Exam