Maths Fractions and Decimals

  1. Convert Fraction to Percent
    Make the Denominator to 100, then the numerator becomes the percent

    i.e. Image Upload 2 10x10=100, 1x10=10, answer is 10%
  2. Convert Fraction to Decimal
    Make the Denominator to 100, then the numerator becomes the decimal /100 i

    i.e. Image Upload 4 10x10=100, 1x10=10, move decimal places 2 to the left, (10) answer is 0.10
  3. Common demominator
    multiply the denominators or find a simpler one.
  4. Order and compare fraction
    Convert to a common denominator, then list in order.
  5. Subtract/add mixed number
    Convert to a single fraction, i.e.

    Image Upload 6 

    then simplify if you can.
  6. Multiply fractions
    Multiply the numerators, then multiply the demominator

    tImage Upload 8
  7. Multiply mixed fractions
    Convert to only fractions then multiply as normal
Card Set
Maths Fractions and Decimals
Maths Fractions and Decimals