Geography 200- Exam 2

  1. A narrow strip of land connecting two larger land bodies is know an a(n):
  2. Which of the following countries is location in the culture hearth known as Mesoamerica?

    A. Guatemala
  3. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

    d Tenochtilan probably had over one-hundred thousand inhabitants at its peak.
    e. The Aztecs were conquered by the Spanish.
    C. The Mayan civilization arose in the highlands of Mexico (arose in the lowland tropics)
  4. Which of the following is not a Middle Americcan Amerindian group?

    D. Incas
  5. Who conquered the Mayans?
  6. Who conquered the Aztecs?
    Hernan Cortez
  7. The coming of the Spanish led to all but which of the following?

    C. loss of Portugese provinces in Middle America
  8. Which Amerindian group is most associated with the Caribbean island?
  9. Differences between Mainland and Rimland.
    • Mainland: vast estates, early remotemness, haciendas, Euro-Amerindian culture, local self- sufficiency
    • Rimland: small farms, early accessibility, plantations, Euro-African influence, commercial activity
  10. Which of the following associations is incorrect?

    E. Haiti and Santo Domingo
  11. What is the largest Caribbean country in both area and population?
  12. How much land of Middle America does Mexico account for?
  13. The island containing Haiti and Dominican Republic is known as:

    D. Hispaniola
  14. A group of islands is known as..
  15. What island is the Caribbean's leading oil producer?
  16. Mestizo= ?
    White and Amerindian ancestry
  17. Mulatto= ?
    White-black ancestry
  18. The new supranational group in the Caribbean is known as...
  19. The Assocation of Caribbean States developed as a result of:

  20. Ejidos= ?
    land in Mexico which is communally owned
  21. Most Mexicans today are:

    C. mestizos
  22. Discoveries of this commodity have changed Mexico's economic outlook significantly...
  23. Which Mexican city is the center of its leading petroleum- producing region?
  24. Lowest to highest elevations.. Altitudinal climatic zones..
    Tierra caliente, tierra templada, tierra fria, puna
  25. What altitudinal climatic zone do most people live in?
    Tierra templada
  26. Central America's oldest democratic republic...
    Costa Rica
  27. Which of the following countries does not contain a significant part of the Andes?

    B. Paraguay
  28. Relgion most closely associated with South America= ?
    Roman Catholicism
  29. The antiplano is...?
    a plain high in the Andes
  30. The language of the Inca state?
  31. What was the original center of the Incan Empire?
  32. Lima became the capital of the viceroyalty of:
  33. Brazil contains about ____ percent of the population and area of South America.
  34. About ___ percent of South Americans live in urban areas.
  35. South America's largest city in population size is:
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  36. What are the 3 megacities of South America?
    Sao Paulo, Brazil; Beunos Aires, Brazil; Rio de Janeiro, Argentina
  37. The rings of slums surrounding South America's large cities are known as:
  38. The fast growing sector of the Brazillian economy is:
    commercial agriculture
  39. Volta Redonda is most closely indentified with Brazil's:
    iron and steel manufacturing activities
  40. The dominant economic activity in Venezuela's Lake Maracaibo Lowland is:
    oil production
  41. The areas of flat plains in Venezuela are known as:
  42. Colombia is the world's second largest exporter of:
  43. South America's densest railroad network is found in:
  44. Which of the following regions is not located in Argentina:

    d. Buenos Aires
    D. Maracaibo Lowland (in Venezuela)
  45. Who conquered the Incas?
  46. Which is the least developed country in the Southern Cone?

    D. Paraguay
  47. The desert in North of Child is the:
  48. Most of North Africa/ Southwest Asia lies in which climate region?
  49. Which of the following does not lie in the Fertile Cresent?

    B. Oman
  50. Shi'ite Muslims were followers of:
    Ali (Muhammad's cousin)
  51. Which of the following are currently officially Islamic republics?

  52. Which of the following areas has few, if any, oil reserves?

    D. Turkey
  53. The North Africa/ South Asia realm contains about ____ percent of the world's oil reserves.
  54. What are the countries of Maghreb?
    Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia
  55. The major mountain range in North Africa is the:

    D. Atlas
  56. Which of the following countries is not in the The African Transition Zone?

    E. Egypt
  57. Which country is not in the Horn of Africa?

    A. Chad
  58. Iran differs from ost of the North American/ Southwest Asian realm in that:
    it is dominately Shi'ite
  59. An irrigation system used to bring water from the Elburz Mts to Tehran is:
  60. What are the 5 republics of Turkestan?
    Kazahstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kirghizstan, Tajikistan
  61. The Qoraqaloghiston (Karakalpak) are is located in:
  62. Where is the site of the Garaum (Kara Kum) Canal?
  63. The republic which fought a civil war to avoid an Islamic fundamentalist government is:
  64. Where is the Orange River located?
    South Africa, Namibia
  65. The major reason that Africa contains no continental-scale moutain range is that:
    Africa was once the center of the landmass from which all other continents broke off, with Laurasia in the north and Gondwana in the south
  66. The Zaire River basin supports what type of vegetation?
    tropical rainforest
  67. The worst of the endemic African diseases is:
  68. The vector for yellow fever is the:
  69. The vector for river blindness is the:
  70. Before independence, the modern state of Zaire was a colony of:
  71. One of the last countries to give up its African colonies was:
  72. The most populous country in Africa, which also has significant oil supplies is:
  73. Two countries that were originally part of the German East Afria, but which were given to the Belgians after WWI are:
    Rwanda and Burundi
  74. Africa's richest region in terms of minerals is:
    Southern Africa
  75. The great river in Souther Africa is the:
  76. The Copperbelt, Great Dyke, and Witwatersrand are:
    mineralized belts and mining centers for Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa respectively
  77. The mineral found at the confluence of the Orange and Vaal River that changed the economic geography of South Africa was:
  78. What was unique about the Mayas?
    They were the only culture hearth that arose in the lowland tropics
  79. Where was the Aztec cilivization headquarter?
  80. Maquiladoras=?
    foregin owned factories
  81. What countries make up the Middle East?
    Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel
  82. The Spanish conquest stressed the "3 G's"... What are these?
    Gold, God, and Glory
  83. What 3 islands make up the Greater Antilles?
    Cuba, Hispaniola, and Jamaica
  84. What is NAFTA?
    North American Free Trade Agreement
  85. What countries are in the "Southern Cone?"
    Argentina, Chile, Uruguay
  86. What is the vector of sleeping sickness?
    Tsetse fly
  87. What countries are in the Arabian Peninsula?
    Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman
Card Set
Geography 200- Exam 2
Flashcards for Ackerman's Geography 200 course at OSU- Lima Campus