- author "puiatflickr"
- tags "Cantonese "
- description "Random cantonese vocab for intermediate learners"
- fileName "Cantonese (pui).txt"
- freezingBlueDBID -1.0
- author "puiatflickr"
- tags "Cantonese "
- description "Random cantonese vocab for intermediate learners"
- fileName "Cantonese (pui).txt"
- freezingBlueDBID -1.0
- hardworking, exhausting
- 辛苦
- san1 fu2
- fu2 - bitter taste, fu2 gwaa1-bittermelon
To go up
- 上
- soeng3
- soeng3shan1: going up hill
- also get on (bus, car..), mount
- soeng bus, soeng che1(car); seong maa5(horse)
To, reach
- 到
- dou3
- zi34dou3: late to arrive
- 就快
- zau6 fu2
- fu2 - bitter taste, fu2 gwaa1-bittermelon
hardworking, exhausting
- 辛苦
- san1 fu2
- fu2 - bitter taste, fu2 gwaa1-bittermelon
going up hill is exhausting
- 上山好辛苦
- soeug5saan1 hou2 san1fu2
- ~lok6saan1 mg4 san1fu2: going down hill is not exhausting
almost reached the peak
- 就快到山頂喇
- zau6faai5 dou3 saan1deng2la3
- dou3: arrive, reach
- zau faai: almost
Let me treat you something to drink later
- 陣間請你飲嘢喇
- zan6gaan1 ceng2 nei5 yam2jeh5lah3
- zan6gaan1: later, a while later
- zan6: a moment
hardworking, exhausting
- 辛苦
- san1 fu2
- fu2 - bitter taste, fu2 gwaa1-bittermelon