RMA 10

  1. Which of the following is not part of the communication cycle?

    A- message
    B- sender
    C- witness
    D- receiver
    E- feedback
  2. Which of the following is not a way to communicate with a patient who has a hearing impairment?

    A- minimizing background disturbance
    B- speaking slowly
    C- sitting close and facing the patient
    D- using body language
    E- shouting ar the patient
  3. Which of the following terms describes the verbal and nonverbal evidence that a message was received and understood?

    A- affirmation
    B- feedback
    C- medical records
    D- communication
    E- noise
  4. Good communication techniques include

    A- differences in cultures
    B- having only the doctor talk to the patient
    C- not looking directly at the patient
    D-demonstration respect
    E- watching only your own body language
  5. Rapport involves

    A- a positive and harmonious relationship
    B- silence
    C- close-ended questions
    D- repeating
    E- a direct confrontational relationship
  6. Nonverbal communication is also known as

    A- nodding
    B- body language
    C- touching
    D- true feelings
    E- conciseness
  7. Positive communication includes

    A- impressing patients with your medical credentials
    B- discussing payment history
    C- Encouraging patients to ask questions
    D- smiling at all times
    E- listenting to patients and other staff simultaneously
  8. Negative communication includes all of the following except

    A- mumbling
    B- speaking sharply
    C- rushing through explanations
    D- showing boredom
    E- looking directly at patients when you speak to them
  9. The three types of listening are evaluative active and

    A- two-way
    B- responsive
    C- selective
    D- passive
    E- circumstantial
  10. When in the medical office anxious patient may exhibit

    A- decreased blood pressure
    B- white-coat syndrome
    C- nervous coughing
    D- blue-coat syndrome
    E- a tired appearance
  11. With an angry patient, you should always

    A- learn how to cause anger
    B- focus on the patients mental capacity
    C- stay very close to the patient while talking
    D- remain calm
    E- defend yourseld
  12. Which of the following types of materials should you use when dealing with visually impaired patients?

    A- large print
    B- braille
    C- nonverbal
    D- brightly colored
    E- infrared
  13. For mentally disabled patients you should

    A- spend 50% less time with them than with normal patients
    B- remain calm if they become confused
    C- treat them the same as anyone else
    D- treat them as you would treat an infant
    E- call them by their first name
  14. Elderly patients

    A- are often frail or confused
    B- should be allowed to examine all instruments
    C- should be praised for good behavior
    D- are usually in denail
    E- should be addressed as Mr or Mrs unless they tell you otherwise
  15. Open-ended questions

    A- should never be asked of patients
    B- should be asked of children but not of adults
    C- should be asked of adults but not of children
    D- should be asked of all patients
    E- should help communication with patients who have hearing impairments
  16. When communicating with very young patients you should

    A- treat them the same as adults
    B- bargain with them
    C- explain any procedure in very simple terms
    D- mimic their behaviors
    E- show them videotapes of precedures
  17. Patients with AIDS

    A- often feel depressed, angry, and guilty
    B- often feel hateful toward others
    C- will not want to ask questions about their disease
    D- will often deny that they have the disease
    E- require a patient confidentiality statement
  18. When greeting patients, a medical assistant should

    A- make eye contact
    B- avoid using the patients name to preserve patient privacy
    C- ask personal questions
    D- tease them about the time they forgot an appointment
    E- set up their next appointment
  19. Which one of the following defense mechanisms is defined as putting unpleasant events, feelings, or thoughts out of one's mind?

    A- substitution
    B- compensation
    C- displacement
    D- dissociation
    E- repression
  20. The goal of a medical assistant to treat patients and their families fairly is achieved by

    A- good appointment scheduling
    B- policy and procedure
    C- patient confidentiality statement
    D- good attitude
    E- therapeutic communication
  21. One of the greatest barriers to communication is

    A- poor communication skills
    B- complaining
    C- assertiveness
    D- aggressiveness
    E- stress
  22. The 5 C's of communication include

    A- cyclic communication
    B- cohesiveness
    C- channeling
    D- contact
    E- closing
  23. When dealing with a seriously ill patient you should

    A- tricialize the patients feelings
    B- judge the patients statements
    C- avoid empty promises
    D- abandon the patient
    E- isolate the patient
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RMA 10
RMA 10