Chapter 14

  1. T or F:

    The FDA issues food regulations that must be followed by each establishment
  2. T or F:

    Health inspectors are employees of the CDC
  3. T or F:

    You should accompany the health inspector during the inspection of your establishment
  4. T or F:

    An establishment can be closed if it has a significant lack of refrigeration
  5. T or F:

    You should refuse entry to a health inspector if you are not ready for the inspection.
  6. What are some hazards that require the closure of an establishment?
    • 1. Significant lack of refrigeration
    • 2. Backup of sewage into the establishment or its water supply
    • 3. Fire/flood
    • 4. Significant infestation of insects or rodents
    • 5. Long interruption of electrical or water service
    • 6. Clear evidence of a foodborne-illness outbreak related to the establishment
  7. What are the roles of federal, state, & local agencies regarding the regulation of food safety in establishments?
    • Recommendations are issued at the federal level
    • Regulations are written at the state level
    • Enforcement is carried out at the state & local levels
  8. What should a manager do during and after an inspection?
    • During an inspection, a manager should do the following:
    • 1. Ask for identification
    • 2. Cooperate
    • 3. Take notes
    • 4. Keep the relationship professional
    • 5. Be prepared to provide records requested by the inspector

    • After the inspection, a manager should do the following:
    • 1. Discuss violations & time frames for correction with the inspector
    • 2. Act on deficiencies in the report by:
    • a. determining why eacfh problem occurred
    • b. establish new/revise procedures
    • c. Possibly retrain employees
  9. What are some factors that determine the frequency of health inspections for an establishment?
    • 1. Size & complexity of the operation
    • 2. Inspection history of the establishment
    • 3. Clientele's susceptablity to foodborne illness
    • 4. Workload of the local health dept & number of inspectors available
  10. A backup of raw sewage and significant lack of refrigeration can result in

  11. A person shows up at a restaurant claiming to be a health inspector. What should the manager ask for?

  12. Which agency enforces food safety in a restaurant?

  13. Who is responsible for keeping food safe in an operation?

  14. How often is the FDA Food Code updated?

  15. What is the purpose of health dept inspections of restaurants?
    To inform the establishment how well it is following practces critical to the safety of the food it serves
  16. How can the local sanitation records help the establishment in passing inspections?
    Since the local health code serves as the inspector's guide, the manager should keep a copy and compare the code to procedures at your establishment. The manager will want to surpass the regulations since they are minimum requirements
  17. What records must you be prepared to show the inspector?
    • 1. Purchasing records to assure food has been purchased from reputable suppliers
    • 2. Pest control treatment record
    • 3. List of chemicals used in the operation (MSDS notebook)
    • 4. Proof of food safety knowledge - Training certificates/documents
    • 5. HACCP records
  18. What are the benfits of a good self-inspection program?
    • 1. Safer food
    • 2. Improved food quality
    • 3. Cleaner environment for employees & customers
    • 4. Higher inspection scores
  19. Step to run an effective self-inspection are:
    • 1. Use the same type of checklist that the regulatory authority uses
    • 2. Start outside the establishment and then proceed inside
    • 3. Inspect risks to food safety
    • 4. After inspection, meet with staff to review problems
  20. T or F:

    Each operation is required to follow the FDA Food Code
  21. T or F:

    Health Inspectors are employees of the CDC
  22. T or F:

    You should accompany the health inspector during an inspection of your operation
  23. T or F:

    The regulatory authority can close an operation if they find a long interruption of water service
  24. Which of the following statements are true?

    • E.
    • B
    • D
    • G
Card Set
Chapter 14
Food Safety Regulations & Standards