SAT Vocabulary List 6

  1. depreciate
    v. lessen in value
  2. inconsistency
    n. state of being self-contradictory; lack of uniformity or steadiness
  3. sophistry
    n. seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning
  4. reminiscence
    n. recollection
  5. meticulous
    adj. excessively careful; painstaking; scrupulous
  6. collaborate
    v. working together
  7. verbatim
    adv. word for word
  8. slothful
    adj. lazy
  9. exhilarating
    adj. invigorating and refreshing; cheering
  10. decorum
    n. propriety; orderliness and good taste in manners
  11. illuminate
    v. brighten; clear up or make understandable; enlighten
  12. narcissist
    n. conceited person; someone in love with his image
  13. orient
    v. get one's bearings; adjust
  14. lofty
    adj. very high
  15. traumatic
    adj. pertaining to an injury caused by violence
  16. forgo
    v. give up; do without
  17. galvanize
    v. stimulate by shock; stir up; revitalize
  18. rend
    v. split; tear apart
  19. expansive
    adj. outgoing and sociable; broad and extensive; able to increase in size
  20. gusto
    n. enjoyment; enthusiasm
  21. enervate
    v. weaken
  22. distinction
    n. honour; contrast; discrimination
  23. oligarchy
    n. government by a  privileged few
  24. reaper
    n. one who harvests grain
  25. yore
    n. time past
  26. narrative
    adj. related to telling a story
  27. obdurate
    adj. stubborn
  28. salvo
    n. discharge of firearms; military salute
  29. raze
    v. destroy completely
  30. indiscriminate
    adj. choosing ar random; confused
  31. arid
    adj. dry; barren
  32. idolatry
    n. worship of idols; excessive admiration
  33. monarchy
    n. government under a single ruler
  34. nonentity
    n. person of no importance; non existant
  35. podiatrist
    n. doctor who treats aliments of the feet
  36. moribund
    adj. dying
  37. rehabilitate
    v. restore to proper condition
  38. cacophonous
    adj. discordant; inharmonious
  39. bellicose
    adj. warlike
  40. grotesque
    fantastic; comically hideous
  41. artifice
    n. deception; trickery
  42. intervene
    v. come between
  43. misapprehension
    n. error; misunderstanding
  44. bleak
    adj. cold or cheerless; unlikely to be favourable
  45. augury
    n. omen or prophecy
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SAT Vocabulary List 6
Words from SAT Vocabulary List 6