ch 3 govt test

  1. With the words, “We the people,” the constitution establishes its authority on the basis of

    A. popular sovereignty
  2. Which of the following best describes the concept of limited government?

    C. government must operate within certain bounds set by the people
  3. Which of the following is a method of formal amendment?

    C. proposal by 2/3 of Congress and ratification of ¾ of State legislatures.
  4. The basic constitutional rights of the people were first set out in the

    C. Bill of Rights
  5. The legislative branch can check the judicial branch by its power to

    D. remove judges through impeachment
  6. Which of the following is the subject of a constitutional amendment?

    D. all of the above
  7. The President’s power to veto an act of Congress is an example of

    B. checks and balances
  8. Which of the following accounts for the ability of the Constitution to endure for more than 200 years?

    A. built in provisions for accommodating change
  9. Which of the following is NOT true of the constitution?

    B. it has not be changed in 50 years
  10. Which of the following amendments was ratified first?

    A. the amendment guaranteeing freedom of speech
  11. Which branch of the Federal Government plays the largest role in the federal amendment process?

    C. the legislative branch
  12. Once ratified a constitutional amendment may only be changed by

    C. another amendment
  13. Which of the following principles holds that government may do only those things that the people have given it power to do?

    B. limited government
  14. The principle of popular sovereignty means that the

    B. people are the only source for governmental pay
  15. Article II of the constitution establishes the powers of the

    D. executive branch
  16. Article I of the Constitution establishes the powers of the

    C. legislative branch
  17. Article III of the Constitution establishes the powers of the

    C. judicial branch
  18. The principle of popular sovereignty asserts that

    B. people are the source of any and all governmental power
  19. An informal amendment can be established by

    B. a pact made by the President directly with the head of another foreign state
  20. The third amendment addresses

    C. lodging troops
  21. The seventh amendment addresses
    a. jury trial in civil cases
    b. due process
    c. bail
    d. none of the above
    a. jury trial in civil cases
  22. The right to vote at age 18 is the

    C. 26th amendment
  23. The repeal of prohibition is

    C. 21st amendment
  24. Giving woman the right to vote is addressed in amendment

    C. 19
  25. Search and seizure is addressed in amendment

    D. 4
  26. The twenty- fifth amendment addresses

    B. presidential succession
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ch 3 govt test
ch 3