Ch 12 govt test

  1. The Duties of the House Rules Committee are best described as those of a

    C. traffic cop
  2. When the Senate’s Republican caucus wants party members to vote for a bill the person who determines how many votes can be counted as is the

    A. whip
  3. The main reason that Congress creates committees is to

    D. divide the work load
  4. How and when bills reach the floor the House is decided by the

    D. Rules Committee
  5. Committee chairpersons usually are chosen

    D. on the basis of seniority
  6. Unlike the House, the Senate has a legislative process with
    a. few limits on debate
    b. strict limits on debate
    c. no roll-call voting
    d. no voice voting
    a. few limits on debate
  7. Bills are introduced in the Senate by
    a. the Rules Committee
    b. individual senators
    c. investigative committees
    d. the majority floor leader
    b. individual senators
  8. In the Vice President’s absence, the presiding offices of the Senate is the

    B. president pro tempore
  9. The House Rules Committee may do all of the following EXCEPT
    a. set conditions for considering a bill
    b. speed up consideration of a bill
    c. prevent consideration of a bill
    d. attach amendments to a bill
    d. attach amendments to a bill
  10. On the first day of each new term, the House
    a. has a short routine day
    b. has few members to swear in
    c. elects a speaker to preside
    d. writes all new rules of procedure
    c. elects a speaker to preside
  11. In order to prevent a bill passed by Congress from becoming law, the President may
    a. sign it and attach a veto message
    b. refuse to sign it and attach a veto message
    c. sign it after ten days if Congress is in session
    d. negotiate a compromise bill with Congress
    b. refuse to sign it and attach a veto message
  12. Proposed measures that apply to specific individuals or places are
    a. public bills
    b. private bills
    c. concurrent resolutions
    d. riders
    b. private bills
  13. The president pro tempore

    B. serves in the absence of the Vice President of the United States
  14. When a bill is introduced in the House, it is FIRST

    A. given a number and a title
  15. Most measures introduced in the House die at which of these steps
    a. committee
    b. cloture
    c. quorum
    d. floor vote
    a. committee
  16. Conference committees act as a “third house of Congress” when they

    D. produce a compromise bill that both the House and the Senate will accept
  17. Which of the following options is NOT available to a President who has just received a bill passed by Congress?
    a. sign the bill within 10 days
    b. sign the bill after 15 days
    c. veto the bill
    d. use a pocket veto
    b. sign the bill after 15 days
  18. At the beginning of each new term, the Senate
    a. elects a presiding officer
    b. adopts a rule of procedure
    c. elects a clerk and a chaplain
    d. faces few organizational problems
    d. faces few organizational problems
  19. Bills that originate in either house of Congress may be
    a. introduced only by party leaders
    b. formulated by private citizens
    c. introduced by private citizens
    d. introduced by the President
    b. formulated by private citizens
  20. The purpose of a filibuster is to
    a. invoke the rule of cloture
    b. prevent quorum calls
    c. speed up action on a bill
    d. prevent action on a bill
    d. prevent action on a bill
  21. In his leadership position, the Speaker must tend not only to the House as a whole, but also to

    C. his party in particular
  22. In each congressional election, a great deal of attention is paid to which party holds a majority in each chamber. This is at lease partly because

    D. the majority party holds a majority of seats in each standing committee
  23. The presiding offices of the House of Representatives is

    D. Speaker of the House
  24. A conference committee is formed to

    D. iron out differences in bills passed by the House and Senate before they go to the President
  25. Why is organization of the Senate at the beginning of each term easier and less time consuming than the House?

    A. the Senate is a continuous body
  26. The two United States Senators for Nebraska are

    B. Ben Nelson and Mike Johanns
  27. Member of the House of Representatives for District 2 in Nebraska is

    C. Lee Terry
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Ch 12 govt test
juza test 12