WHO sets up a regulation
govt agency (OSHA, EPA)
set of practices from a non gov't agency
standards (NFPA)
CERCLA stands for:
comprehensive environ. response compensation and liablity act
- right to know act for emergency responders and community
- superfund amendments and reauthorization act
what is the level set by EPA that requires MSDS for hazardous chemicals?
extremely hazardous substances?
what is a tier 2 report?
- required of SARA facilities.
- full name and address
- emergency contactinfo
- chem info
- hazzards
- inventory in lbs
- storage info
2 in/2 out was initially in what set of regulations?
MSDS is required at what quantity?
- more than household quantities
- (even FDs-AFFF, cleaning fuels, etc)
OSHA 1910.134
- 2 IN/2 OUT (RIT)
- fit tests
- training records
who supervises all companies in the hot zone?
entry leader
what do white pages provide?
- info on how to use guide
- phone #s
- table of placards
pages contain response info. look up by guide #
orange (1 chem)
pages organized by ID #
provide name and guide #
pages that are organized by name
if section is highlighted, go to __section for specefic isolation and protective actions
green (organized by ID #)
small spill is considered__
NIOSH provides what info?
(chems are listed alphabetically)
developed by US coast guard. provides emegency response info for materials tansported on water
- chem haz. response and info system
Jane's Chem-Bio handbook deals with what?
permit required by FD to store HAZMATS
- hazmat inventory statement (HMIS)
- mazmat management plan (HMMP)
NFPS for hazmat training levels
OSHA 1910.120
NFPA regarding EMS roles in HAZMAT
what % of terrorist incidents use explosives?
colorless, odorless gas fire suppressant that interrups the chemical chain reaction.
fire resistant chemical found in flammable liquid areas like gas stations and commercial cookers
dry chemical
law applies to all emergency workers. contains hazmat levels of competency.
HAZWOPER. osha 1910.120
CERCLA stands for__ what is it also known as?
- comprehensive enviro response compensation and liablity act.
- superfund
law that adds sections on planning, preparedness, training. had the most impact on the way we do business. let to development of SERC and LECPs
superfund amendments and reauthorization act.
law requires the proper management and storage of hazardous waste
resource conservation and recovery act
lists quantity limits for storage and design for containers. only at fixed facilities.listes requirements for Hazmat Materials Management Plan and Haz Materials Inventory Statement
International Fire Code chapeter 27
like a 704 but uses color bars. bottom white line is for PPE. Also allows * to be used for carcinogen
Haz Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS)
database that operates on a server. all chems being used in the depot environment. tracks all safety and employee info.
HMMS (developed at HAFB)
largest chemical database. >32 mill.
Chem ABstract Service (CAS)
roof top for low pressure liquid tanks. up to 15 PSI.
roof tops for HP storage
fixed facility containers. identified by steel frame that surrouns tank.
25-100psi= non pressure
intermodal tanks
4 ft cylinders (size 1a) hold what pressure?
40-900 psi
nonpressurized flammable liquid trailers. egg shaped
typically double shelled low pressure (psi). flammable liquids, caustics, or acids
cryogenic containers. box at the rear to identify
what is MC312?
corrosive liquids. pressures under 75psi. protective rings around it
what is MC331?
high pressure tanks. 100+ psi. bolted manyway (circle) on end. propane, butane, anhydrous ammonia
7 primary types of WMDs
- thermal radialogical, asphyxiation, chemical, etiological, mechanical, psychological
type of chem not easily absorbed through skin
legal limit for employee to be exposed to hazard in 8 hr work day. expressed in ppm
permissible exposure limit (PEL)
most important piece of PPE
respiratory protection
NFPA 1994
PPE for first respnders to CBRNE events
Golden Rule of Chem Protective Clothing
no one piece will protectect you from everything
type of release that occurs <1 sec
violent rupture.
release of pressure where it releases more pressure than the relief valve can handle
rapid release
types of gases included in 4 gas meter
- O2
- CO
- LEL sensor
- hydrogen sulfide
how often do you need to calibrate a gas meter?
30 days
relative response factor
adjusting levels to match what methane was calibrated at on your monitor
3 levels of decon stablished by NFPA 472
emergency, technical, mass
how long should you flush water to decon a corrosive?
at least 20 mins
window of opportunity for decon
10-15 mins
level of training hospital workers must have for fine decon.
tech level
method for developing icident objectives
- specific
- measurable
- action-oriented
- realistic
- time-sensitive
is fire control on liquids considered off or defensive?
min staffing for hazmat positions
foam is used for hydrocarbons, polar solvents, or both?
only hydrocarbons (unless you have a special blend for polar solvents-usually higher percentage like 6)
low expansion foam ratio:
high expansion:
vapor pressure of all gases
expansion rate of propane