Blunt and Penetrating Trauma

  1. Kentic Energy
    Energy of Motion (1/2Mass x Velocity2)
  2. Deceleration
    Slowing down of moving object.
  3. Index of Suspicion
    Suspicion of underlying injuries when determining mechanism of injury.
  4. Mechanism of Injury
    Force or transference of energy resulting in injury.
  5. Conversion of Energy
    Potential Energy becomes Kinetic Energy, which become Work (think of someone jumping off a building - Potential Energy at the top, Kinetic on the way down, becomes Work when they hit the ground).
  6. Blunt Force Trauma
    Does not penetrate soft tissue when applied to the body.  (Vehicle Collisions, Falls, etc).

    Indications:  Discoloration, Pain
  7. 3 Collisions of a Car Accident
    • Car Collision
    • Human Collision
    • Internal Collision
  8. 3 MVA Trauma Indicators
    • Passenger Compartment Intrusion
    • Seats Torn From Mounts
    • Collapsed Steering Wheel
  9. Common MVA Injuries
    • Fractures of Lower Extremities
    • Head Trauma
    • Flail Chest from Ribs Hitting Steering Wheel
  10. Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injury
    Injury occurring at both the point of contact and the opposite side of the impact due to transmission of energy through the brain tissue.
  11. Fall Considerations
    • What hit the ground first? (What absorbed the majority of the impact)
    • < or > 15-20 ft?
  12. Common Chest Injuries from Trauma
    • Broken Ribs
    • Cardiac Contusion
    • Pulmonary Contusion
    • Pneumothorax
    • Hemothorax
  13. Signs of Head Trauma
    • Headache
    • Nausea/Vomiting
    • Loss of Consciousness
    • Altered LOC
    • Doesn't Remember the Accident
    • Combative
    • Changes in Speech

    ICP = Increased Cranial Pressure, resulting from bleeding and swelling of the brain.
  14. Solid Organs (potential for tears/lacerations)
    • Pancreas
    • Liver
    • Spleen
    • Kidneys
  15. Hollow Organs (potential for ruptures)
    • Intestines
    • Stomach
    • Urinary Bladder
Card Set
Blunt and Penetrating Trauma
Basic superficial review of blunt and penetrating trauma for EMT.