E02 Problem Solving and Decision Analysis (Test Review)

  1. An approach to minimize Groupthink is to
    Re-Examine the preferred solution even if consensus has been reached
  2. High Cohesiveness, Directive Leadership, and
    High Stress are antecedent conditions for ______________.
  3. A recent review of the decision situation in the Challenger incident identified which two variables as being important to the groupthink phenomena?
    Leadership Style and Time Constraints
  4. A good group decision approach when an objective is to maximize the number of
    alternative is _____________.
  5. Electronic brainstorming overcomes two common problems that can produce verbal group brainstorming failure.  These common problems include:
    Evaluation Apprehension & Production Blocking
  6. _____________ is a technique that is valuable in its ability to generate a number of independent judgments without the requirement of face-to-face meetings
    Delphi technique
  7. An antidote for groupthink in self-managed teams is ____________.
    Welcoming Dissent
  8. Participative decision making tends to be associated with _______________.
    Higher levels of employee satisfaction
  9. A key organizational requirement for participation and empowerment includes ______________.
    Supportive Culture
  10. Which one of the following is NOT considered to be an individual prerequisite for participation and empowerment?

    B.   Reliance on external rewards
  11. Match the following…

    A.  Relatively simple problem that can be solved with a standard rule

    B.  Logical, systematic problem solving

    C.  A solution that is timely and acceptable

    D.  An unstructured unique problem situation that requires a creative solution

    E.   The practice of selecting an acceptable, but probably not the best solution

    1.   Nonprogrammed Decision

    2.   Effective Decision

    3.   Rational Model

    4.   Satisficing

    5.   Programmed Decision
    Answers:  1-D, 2-C, 3-B, 4-E, 5-A
  12. Match the following…

    A.  Simple decision rule

    B.  An inclination to choose options displaying minimal risk

    C.  Decisional situation where options have
    probabilities of success

    D.  Delegating and giving employees authority to make decisions

    E.   A situation where a person continues to
    follow/implement an option even though its chances of success are minimal and possibly declining

    1.  Risk Aversion

    2.  Empowerment

    3.  Escalation of Commitment

    4.  Heuristics

    5.  Risk
    ANSWERS:  1-B, 2-D, 3-E, 4-A, 5-C
  13. The initial step in problem solving is ___________.
    Problem Recognition/Defining the problem
  14. The final two steps in the decision making process:
    Feedback & Follow up (and monitoring)
  15. Intuition would be a major part of input for a
    manager making what kind of decision?
    Non – Programmed decisions
  16. An effective decision has 3 components:
    (1)  A TIMELY DECISION that meets a (2) DESIRED OBJECTIVE and is (3)ACCEPTABLE to those individuals affected by it.
  17. Rational model of decision making assumes the decision maker can calculate the probability of success for all alternatives. 

    TRUE or FALSE?
  18. In the rational model the decision maker strives to _____________.
  19. Bounded rationality says that managers are comfortable making decisions without
    identifying all options. 

  20. Bounded Rationality Theory was first purposed by ______________.
    Herbert Simon
  21. Important element in bounded rationality is _______________.
  22. Heuristics are algorithms based on complex decision makings? 

    TRUE or FALSE?
    FALSE – based on gut decisions/shortcuts to decision making
  23. Which decision making model realistically portrays managerial decision process?
    Bounded Rational Model
  24. An effective way of managing decisions in order to avoid escalation of commitment is to have groups instead of the individual
    make the initial investment decision.  

    TRUE or FALSE?
  25. Three reasons why managers hang on to a losing course of action or escalate their commitment:
    1.  Cognitive dissonance

    2.  Overall optimistic

    • 3.  Illusion they’re in
    • control
  26. The 4th step of the Z model of problem solving is _____________.
    Impact Analysis/weigh the impact
  27. In consideration of whether the left or right side of the brain should be utilize in decision making the ideal situation is to be __________.
  28. The right side of the brain is best used for
    what kind of activities?
    Visions and strategic plans
  29. Continuing to support a failing course of action is known as the _________________.
    Escalation of Commitment
  30. Henry Mintzberg, regarding intuition, managerial rules suggests managers rarely use information/intuition? 

    FALSE - Managers make decisions based on groups of intuition
  31. Can intuition be taught?
    No-however you can be trained to rely more fully on its progress
  32. Westin Agor conducts workshops for managers and obtained positive results for many organizations, Agor stated to do the
    following before making a decision:
    • (1)Relaxation techniques
    • (2) using images to guide the mind
    • (3) taking creative pauses
  33. Which stage of creativity occurs when one engages in activity while the mind considers the problem?
  34. Which of the following is generally not associated with creative abilities of creativity?
    Breath (Span) of interest, self confidence, concerned with failure, Intellectual and artistic values
  35. Organization could increase creativity by:
    Tear down office walls and cubicles-let employees interact
  36. Searching for one right answer and avoiding problems outside your own expertise would be considered what type of problem for creativity?
    Mental Lock
  37. Responsive creativity is discovering problems because you want to be creative.

    TRUE or FALSE?

    Responsive creativity is only because it’s part of your job, not to be creative
  38. Group approach to decision making is most appropriate when employees may be in
    conflict over a preferred solution. 

  39. The majority wins rule in group decision making is an example of ____________.
    Social Decision Scheme
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E02 Problem Solving and Decision Analysis (Test Review)
E02 Problem Solving and Decision Analysis (Wilson's Test Review)