synovial joint and knee joint

  1. types of synovial joints: Planar
    • articulating surfaces are flat or slightly curve
    • function: freely moving- back and forth and side to side
    • ex: intertarsal, intercarpal
  2. types of synovial joints: hinge joint
    • convex surfaces fit into a concave surface
    • function: monaxial diarthroses, flexion extension ex knee, elbow, ankle
  3. types of synovial joints: pivot joint
    • rounded or pointed surfaces fits into a ring formed partly by bone and partly by a ligament
    • function: diarthroses, rotation
  4. types of synovial joints: condyloid
    • oval-shaped projection fits into an oval shaped-depression
    • function: flexion-extension, abduction-adduction,
  5. types of synovial joints: saddle
    • articular surface of one bone is saddle shaped and the articular surface of the other bone "sits" in the saddle
    • function: flexion-extension, abduction-adduction and rotation ex shoulder, hip
  6. knee joint
    is the largest and most complex joint of the body. It is a modified hinge joint that contains three joints within a single synovial cavity
  7. Rheumatism
    is any painful disorder of the supporting structures of the body- bones ligaments, tendons or muscles- that is not caused by infection or injury
  8. arthritis
    is a form of rheumatism in which the joints are swollen, stiff and painful
  9. osteoarthritis
    is a degenerative joint disease in which joint cartilage is actually lost. It results from a combination of aging, obesity, irritation of the joint muscles, weakness and wear and abrasion.  It is the most common
  10. gouty arthritis
    sodium crystals are deposited in the soft tissues of the joints,  Gout most often affects the joints of the feet.  The crystals irritate and erode the cartilage, causing inflammation, swelling and acute pain. Eventually the crystals destroy all joint tissue.
  11. rheumatoid arthritis
    is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system of the body attacks its own tissue- in this case its own cartilage and joint linings.  Usually occurs bilaterally. if one wrist is affected the other is also likely to be affected.
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synovial joint and knee joint
synovial joint and knee joint