Skeletal system- Osseous CH4

  1. Purpose of radiographic evaluation
    • 1. correlation with clincial findings, machanism of injury, patients age and physical condition
    • 2.anatomic alignment and position of involved bones.
    • 3.assesment of entire bone, involved joints including-
    • articular surface (cartilage)
    • cortex
    • medullary canal
    • periosteum
    • epiphyseal growth plates- children
    • 4.comparison views
    • 5.low to mid kvp range
  2. osteolytic-
    loss of bone

    ex. bone metastases, multiple myeloma
  3. osteoblastic-
    bone addition

    ex. osteopretosis, osteoblastic
  4. Fractures-
    Include at least one joint for alignment purposes.

    two views - 90 degrees from eachother
  5. positive fat pad sign-
    Elbow- definite fracture radial head

    knee- possible fracture, definite joint effusion
  6. positive drawer sign-
    stress views of ankle-radiographic signs of ligament tear
    • AP position- widening of the ankle mortise
    • LAT position- talus moves forward
  7. Fractures -
  8. Tumors need to do biopsy for?
    definitive diagnoses
  9. Generally round with definitive diagnoses
  10. Atypical shape with ill defined borders
  11. Degenerative change
    Osteoarthitis- weight bearing joints.

    • NOT rehumatoid - small joints of hands and feet
    • synovial membranes inflamed
  12. degenerative changes cont
    secondary complications-
    • Effusion
    • Neurological changes that can cause muscle atrophy
    • Articular cartilage damage and destruction- narrowing joint spaces
  13. Metabolic disorders via skeletal changes
    • 1.osteoprosis
    • 2.osteomalcia
    • 3.pagets disease
    • 4.renal dysfunction
    • 5.endocrine dysfunction
  14. inflammation- bone and bone marrow
    • 1.osteomyelitis
    • 2.infectious arthritis
  15. Motor vehicle accident - 3 collisions
    • 1.vehicle vs object
    • 2.occupant vs vehicle
    • 3. internal organ vs themselves
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Skeletal system- Osseous CH4