Biochem Structures Exam 5

    • Carnitine.
    • Required to transport Acyl coA equivilents accross both mitochondrial membranes.
    • The acyl group gets transported, the coA does not. it is reattached on the other side.
    • This is because FAO can only occur in the mitochondrial matrix.
    • Carbamoyl phosphate
    • in the liver, free amonium is rapidly converted in carbamoyl phosphate.
    • This is the starting point for the Urea cycle.
    • Arginine
    • removal of fumarate from arginosuccinate creates this molecule.
    • This is the Urea Cycle.
    • Alpha-ketoglutarate.
    • Present in the TCA.
    • Created from breakdown of AminoAcids.
    • Flavoprotein.
    • FMN or FAD prosthetic group.
    • Pyridoxal phosphate
    • PLP is the prosthetic group for most amino transferases.
    • Ariginosuccinate
    • Present in Urea cycle, Can be turned into fumarate to interact with TCA
    • Tyrosine
    • stabylizes the radicle e- in the oxygen evolving complex.
    • Mn4 cluster is the oxydizing agent.
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Biochem Structures Exam 5