Lecture #5

  1. definition of shock
    inadequate tissue perfusion
  2. another name for shock
  3. hypovolemic shock
    shock caused from a low fluid volume
  4. what does arterial bleeding look like?
    bright red, spurting
  5. what does venous bleeding look like?
    dark red and a steady stream
  6. what does capillary bleeding look like?
    dark red and oozing
  7. The body cannot tolerate ____% blood loss.
  8. List the pressure points.
    • Dorsalis Pedis
    • Posterior Tibial
    • Popliteal
    • Femoral
    • Radial
    • Ulnar
    • Brachial
    • Carotid
    • Temporal
  9. Signs and symptoms of internal bleeding
    • pain, swelling, tenderness, discoloration at site
    • bleeding from mouth, nose, rectum, or vagina
    • vomiting bright red or tarry stools
    • tender, rigid or distended abdomen
  10. different kinds of hypoperfusion
    • hypovolemic
    • cardiogenic
    • vasogenic
    • obstructive
  11. sepsis
    a whole body inflammatory state caused by a severe infection. bacteria or toxins throughout the body cause the blood vessels to dilate and become permeable and leak
  12. signs of decompensated shock
    • anxiety and restlessness
    • weakness and dizziness
    • thirst
    • rapid, shallow breathing
    • weak rapid pulse
    • cool, clammy skin (diaphoresis)
    • decreased BP
    • nausea
  13. things that could cause acute abdominal pain
    • esophageal reflux
    • appendicitis
    • inflammation of other organs such as pancreas and gallbladder
    • bowel obstruction
    • UTI
    • kidney problems
    • ectopic pregnancy
    • AAA
  14. What are the three types of impact causing blunt trauma in an MVA?
    • vehicle hitting object
    • body hitting vehicle
    • organs hitting inside of skull, chest wall or abdomen
  15. Age ___ and under should always ride in the backseat.
  16. cardiogenic shock
    shock caused by ineffective pump function of the heart
  17. causes of cardiogenic shock
    • Acute Coronary Syndrome
    • Myocardial Infarction
    • Congestive Heart Failure
    • drug OD
    • Pulmonary Edema
  18. causes vasogenic shock
    • anaphylaxis
    • spinal shock (neurogenic)
    • sepsis
  19. causes of hypovolemic shock
    • bleeding
    • fluid loss
    • heat exhaustion
    • anaphylaxis
    • sepsis
Card Set
Lecture #5
Thurston County EMT