Chem 124 Exam #2 Reaction Rules

  1. What does CF3CO3H do?
    CF3CO3H is the only thing that can turn an NH2 into an NO2
  2. What do Nucleophiles (ex: SH, CH3-) do?
    Nucleophiles (ex: SH, CH3-) replace halides so long as there's a director on the aromatic ring already
  3. What does SnCl2 , H+ do?
    SnCl2 , H+ is the only thing that can turn an NO2 into an NH2
  4. What does KMnO4 , H+ , Δ do?
    • KMnO4 , H+ , Δ changes a CH3 (or CH2, CH, etc.) into a Carboxyl group always.
    • If attacking an aromatic ring, it will attack the CH groups immediately adjacent to it/hanging off it's ring
  5. What does HNO3 , H2SO4 do?
    HNO, H2SO4 combined turn an H into a NO2
  6. What does Br2 , FeBr3 (or any other X combo) combined do?
    Br2 , FeBr3 combined mean you halogenate (take place of H) of the Carbons relative to what's already on the ring
  7. What does just H2SO4 do?
    Just H2SO4 replaces the H with HSO3 relative to what's already on the ring
  8. What are Halides?
    How do Halides direct?
    - Halides are technically weak EWG's, but when directing they do O/P like EDG's do
  9. What happens if there's no activating groups (EDG's) present but a Halide (ex: Br, Cl) is present on the ring?
    ex:Image Upload 2
    If there aren't any activating groups (EDG's) present but a Halide is present, the Halide takes over as director! (even though it's technically a EWG)
  10. What does NaOH do?
    NaOH replaces a Halide with OH only if the Halide is O/P to the EWG substituent already on the ring
  11. What happens if you're doing a Friedel-Crafts reaction (ex: CH3-Cl + AlCl3and you have a strong EWG already on the ring?
    If doing a Friedel-Crafts reaction (ex: CH3-Cl + AlCl3) and you have a strong EWG already on the ring, there will be no reaction
  12. What does NaNH2 , NH3 do?
    • NaNH2 , NH3 replaces a Halide with an NH2 group and it adds an NH2 onto the Carbon adjacent to the Carbon that had the Halide
  13. Under what conditions can you replace a Halide?
    If have nothing on ring: You can replace a Halide normally (just straight up replace it)

    If have an EDG on ring: You can replace the Halide normally (just straight up replace it)

    HOWEVER, if there's a Strong EWG on the ring, then in order to replace/substitute out the Halide, the Halide must be in the O/P position relative to the Strong EWG already on the ring.
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Chem 124 Exam #2 Reaction Rules
Chem 124 Exam #2 Reaction Rules