Bioe122/l Urochordate Terms

  1. Chordata
    • "cord"
    • pharyngeal slits
    • notocord
    • post anal muscular tail
    • dorsal and hollow nerve tube
    • endostyle
  2. Chordate subphyllums
    • Urochordata
    • Cephelachordata
  3. Post-anal muscular tail
    continuation of the body beyond the anus
  4. endostyle
    • glandular organ in the ventral pharynx
    • secretes mucus
    • for feeding
  5. atrial siphon
    • opening
    • water goes out
  6. cloaca
    • "sewer"
    • when rectum receives things from gut, gonoduct and excratory duct
  7. system
    • zooid orderings/ group formations
    • separate oral opening and a common atrial opening
  8. stigmata
    • numerous ciliated slits in the pharynx
    • allow water to move from pharynx to atrium
  9. compound ascidians
    zooids are completely embedded except for their openings in a tunic
  10. Thaliacea
    • "plenty"
    • salp like tunicate
    • jet propulsion, circular muscles
    • includes classes: Salpidacea, Doliolidae, Pyrosomes
  11. doliolids
    • complete circular muscles
    • multiple pharyngeal slits
    • stolon produces buds
    • blastozooid
  12. Urochordata
    • subphyllum: Tunicata
    • "tail cord"
    • invertebrate chordates
    • filter feeding
    • tunic forming
    • monoecious
  13. Urochordata classes
    • Ascidiacea
    • Thaliacea
    • Appendicularia (larvacea)
  14. Pharyngeal gill slits
    • openings in pharynx
    • excretion
    • respiratory exchange
  15. oral siphon
    • buccal siphon
    • water goes in
  16. dorsal lamina
    • ciliated ridge
    • rolls mucus and traps food into string
    • captured stuff is moved into esophagous
  17. tunic
    • external connective tissue covering epidermis
    • thick but varies is consistency
  18. atrium
    sac like chamber that collects water
  19. gill bar
    exoskeleton in Pharynx which water passes through
  20. Ascidians
    • "little wine skin"
    • sea squirts
    • benthic tunicates
    • tunic surrounds and supports body
    • is toxic and with spicules
  21. Larvacea
    • "ghost"
    • appendicularian
    • tadpole larva morphology
    • mucus house net
    • seperate gonoducts for each gamete
  22. pyrosomes
    • "firebody"
    • biolumenescent
    • colonial
    • cloaca
  23. larvacean house
    mucus net house for Larvaceas
  24. Dorsal hollow nerve cord
    • extends from anterior brain to tail
    • nervous system
  25. notochord
    • flexible thin stiffened rod
    • skeletal support structure
  26. oral tentacles
    • buccal tentacles
    • prevent large items from getting into siphon openings
  27. solitary ascidians
    • simple zooids
    • do not form colonies
    • small in size
  28. salps
    • alt. generations
    • mucus net
    • stolon
  29. spur
    • tail like appendage
    • holds blastozooids and oozoids
  30. deploying points
    groups separated blastozooid buds along the stolon
  31. stolon
    • attatchemnt appendage
    • organ near heart
    • blastozooids from on its side
  32. luminescent organ
    • appendage that lies on each side of the pharynx
    • contains luminescent bacteria
    • lights up when disturbed
  33. Ascidacea larva
  34. Salpida lifecycle
    • oozoid (asexual)
    • blastozooid (first colonial zooids)
  35. Doliolida lifecycle
    • tadpole larva
    • trophozooid (feeding)
    • phorozooid (locomotion)
    • gonozooid (reproductive)
    • oozoid (asexual)
  36. Pyrosomida life cycle
    • zygote
    • cythozooid (underdeveloped)
    • blastozooid (colonial)
    • oozoid (asexual)
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Bioe122/l Urochordate Terms
Terms for Urochordates