Home Economics - Consumer Protection

  1. Describe our five basic consumer rights
    1. The right to choice - This means having a wide variety of goods and services to choose from

    2. The right to quality - This means that goods must be able to do what they are meant to do and be of good quality

    3. The right to information - This means that information written on goods or about services must be true

    4. The right to safety - This means that goods and services must be safe for consumers to use

    5. The right to redress - This means that consumers are entitled to repair, replacement or refund if goods are faulty
  2. What is a monopoly? Give an example
    This is when only one company provides a good or service eg. Iarnrod Eireann
  3. List our consumer responsibilities
    1. Be well informed about our rights

    2. Examine products before buying

    3. Read instructions and labels

    4. Shop around for value for money
  4. Name three ways consumers are protected
    1. The law

    2. Government organisations

    3. Voluntary organisations
  5. What is a guarantee?
    This is a promise from the manufacturer that if the goods are faulty they will be replaced or repaired free of charge within a certain amount of time eg. a year
  6. Describe the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980
    They state that goods must:

    1. Be of merchantable quality

    2. Be fit for their purpose

    3. Be as decribed

    4. Correspond to sample

    They state that services must:

    1. Be carried out by a qualified person

    2. Be carried out with care

    3. Be carried out using good quality materials
  7. Describe the Consumer Information Act 1978
    This states that information or claims made about goods and services must be true

    False claims about the prices of goods are illegal under this Act
  8. Who should be notified regarding breaches of the Consumer Information Act?
    National Consumer Agency
  9. What should you do when you first notice a fault in something you have purchased?
    1. Stop using the goods

    2. Find the receipt

    3. Know your rights and make your complaint to the shop where you bought the goods
  10. When you are returning to the shop with faulty goods, what should you do?
    1. Ask for the manager

    2. Calmly explain what is wrong

    3. State exactly what you want done
  11. Outline what should be included in a letter of complaint about faulty goods
    1. Details of exactly what you bought and where you bought it

    2. State you are enclosing a copy of receipt

    3. Clear details of complaint

    4. Details of action you would like taken
  12. Name and describe the function of two statutory agencies dealing with consumer issues
    1. The Ombudsman - deals with complaints against government run organisations eg. the HSE

    2. National Consumer Agency - it enforces consumer laws, helps control the advertising agency and promotes consumer awareness
  13. Name and describe the function of two non-statutory agencies dealing with consumer issue
    1. Consumers Association of Ireland - advices consumers, provides consumer information, has an informative website and produces a monthly consumer magazine called Consumer Choice

    2. Trade Organisations - develop codes of good practice for their members and deals with complaints
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Home Economics - Consumer Protection
Consumer Protection