Pre AP English 11 SAT Word Study Unit V

  1. accomplice
    (n) a person who takes part in a crime
  2. annihilate
    (v) to destroy completely
  3. arbitrary
    (adj) unreasonable; based on one's whishes or whims without regard for reasons or fairness
  4. brazen
    (n) made of brass; shameless, impudent
  5. catalyst
    (n) a substance that causes or hastens a chemical reaction; any agent that causes a change
  6. exodus
    (n) a large-scale departure or flight
  7. facilitate
    (v) to make easier; to assist
  8. incorrigible
    (adj) not able to be corrected; beyond control
  9. laten
    (adj) hidden, present but not realized
  10. militant
    • (adj) given to fighting; active and aggressive in support of a cause
    • (n) an activist
  11. morose
    (adj) having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly or sociable
  12. opaque
    (adj) not letting light through; not clear or lucid; dense, stupid
  13. paramount
    (adj) chief in importance, above all others
  14. prattle
    • (v) to talk in an aimless, foolish, or simple way; to babble
    • (n) baby talk
  15. rebut
    (v) to offer arguments or evidence that contradicts an assertion; to refute
  16. reprimand
    • (v) to scold; find fault with
    • (n) a rebuke
  17. servitude
    (n) slavery, forced labor
  18. slapdash
    (adj) careless and hasty
  19. stagnant
    (adj) not running or flowing; foul from standing still; inactive, sluggish, dull
  20. succumb
    (v) to give way to superior force, yield
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Pre AP English 11 SAT Word Study Unit V