Torts 6

  1. Fraud : Elements?
    • 1: ∆ misrepresents fact
    • 2: Make deliberately or recklessly
    • 3: In order to induce reliance
    • 4: π relies on misrepresentation
    • 5: Damages
  2. Prima Facie Tort
    Intentional infliction of pecuniary harm without justification (2)

    • 1: Intent to do harm
    • 2: Resulting harm

    Example—Deliberately selling products below cost to drive a rival out of business
  3. Inducing br/K : Elements
    • 1. Existence of a valid contractual relationship between π and a 3rd-party or a valid business expectancy
    • 2. ∆ knows about K or business expectancy
    • 3. ∆ intentionally interferes by encouraging π to breach K or terminate the expectancy
    • 4. Damages (e.g., π breaches K with 3rd-party, as a result)
  4. Inducing br/K : Cause of action
    The non-breaching 3rd-party can sue:

    • π for breach of K, and
    • ∆ for inducing the π's breach
  5. Inducing br/K : Defenses
    ∆ may be relieved of liability if he/she has a special relationship with one of the contracting parties

    Examples—advice from attorneys, accountants, parents, clergy
  6. Theft of Trade Secrets
    • π must possess a valid trade secret, and
    • ∆ must take the secret by improper means
Card Set
Torts 6
Torts 6 - Economic Torts