drug cards

  1. activated charcoal
    class - gastrointestinal adsorbent

    • dosage - Adult [1 gm/kg] PO. if the quantity of the substance is know, 10 times the amount of
    • ingested substance (by weight). Premix with Sorbitol is preferred.
    • Pediatric same as adult

    Indications - poisoning and overdoses in the alert patient. most commonly given in the hospital after gastric lavage, appropriate to give in the pre-hospital setting before lavage if long transport time is indicated.

    Contraindications - Acids or alkali ingestion unless other drugs have ingested. GI obstruction
  2. Acetaminophen (tylenol etc.)
    class - analgesic (reduces or prevents pain), antipyretic (reduces or prevents fever)

    dosage - pediatric [10-15mg/kg] orally. not to exceed 50 mg/kg/24 hrs

    indications - fever in pediatric patients during long transport

    contraindications - 1. hypersensitivity to the drug. 2. hepatic failure or impairment
  3. Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA, aspirin)
    class - anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic

    dosage - Adult [162-325mg] orally for AMI (prefer chewable). should not be given to pediatrics

    indications - MI patients, including suspected AMI patients

    contraindications - hypersensitivity, bleeding disorders, astham (relative)
  4. Albuterol (proventil, ventolin)
    class - sympathomimetic, beta2 selective adrenergic bronchodilator

    • dosage - nebulizer - Adult [2.5mg](up to 5.0mg) in 3 ml of sterile NS given a inhalation therapy over
    • 5-15 min, may be repeated as necassary
    • Pediatric [1.25-2.5mg] in 3 ml of sterile NS given a inhalation therapy ove 5-15
    • min, my be repeated as necessary

    indications - used to treat reversible airway obstruction caused by: wheezing associated with astham, COPD (emphysema), chronic bronchitis

    contraindications - hypersensitivity
  5. Atropine Sulfate
    class - anticholinergic (parasympatholytic)

    dosage - adult [2.0mg] IVP repeated until symptoms abate (auto injector only, will be included in kit)

    indications - antichoinesterase poisoning-organophosphate and nerve gases

    contraindications - none when indicated
  6. Dextrose (oral)
    class - carbohydrate, nutrient, short acting osmotic diuretic

    dosage - oral: [12-25gm] of aste, may be spread with tongue depressor

    indications - symptomatic hypoglycemic, unconsciousness of unknown origin, seizures of: unknown etiology, new onset seizurs, known diabetic activity seizing

    contraindications - intra-cranial bleeds, delirium tremens(alcohol shakes)with dehydration, unconscious, suspected CVA (stroke)
  7. Epinephrine (adrenaline) (1:1,000)
    class - sympathomimetic

    • dosage - adult: [0.3mg] (1:1,000) SQ or IM using pre-filled device
    • pediatric: [[0.01mg/kg] SQ to a max dose of 0.3 mg/dose

    indications - svere brocho spasms, broncho spasms unresponsive to albuterol, anaphylaxis

    contraindications - none when indicated
  8. Iprtroprium (atrovent)
    class - anticholinergic

    dosage - [1-2] inhalations] viaa metered dose inhaler, [250-500mcg (0.25-0.5mg)] via nebulization

    indications - bronchial asthma, reversible bronchospasms associated with chronic bronchitis and emphysemma

    contraindications - hypersensitivity to the drug, acute treatment of bronchospasms where rapid response is required
  9. naloxone (narcan)
    class - narcotic antagonist

    • dosage - adult [0.4-2.0mg] IM or SQ, titrate to respiratory effort/rate. may be repoeated at 2-3 min, if needed. [2mg (1mg per naris)] IN
    • pediatric [0.1mg/kg]<5yrs or <20kg, [2mg]>55yr or >20kg, IM or SQ may be repeated at 0.1
    • mg/kg if no response
    • neonate [0.1mg/kg] IM or SQ; repeat in 2-3 min if needed

    indications - reversal of narcotic effects, particularly respiratory depression, due to narcotic drugs, whether ingested, injected, or administered in the course of treatment. narcotic drugs include agents such as morphine, Demerol, heroin, Dilaudid, Percodan, codine, Lomotil, propoxyphene (Darvon), pentazocine (Talwin)

    contraindications - hypersensitivity, absences of indication
  10. Nitroglycerin
    class - anti-anginal agent/vascular dilating agent

    • dosage - adult (patients own) 1. sublingual: [0.3-0.4mg] tablet. repeat at 3-5 min as needed to a total
    • of 3 tabs
    • 2. spray: [0.4mg] metered dose, sprayed directly under the tongue;
    • additional sprays every 3-5 in for a total of 3 sprays
    • indications - chest pain, anginal pain
    • contraindications - 1. hypersensitivity 2. severe hypotension 3. pericardial tamponade 4. increased intra-cranial pressure 5. hypovolemia/severe anemia
  11. Oxygen
    class - gas

    • dosage - adult and pediatric
    • low flow NC 1-2 L/min
    • moderate flow NC 4-6 L/min pain, etc
    • high flow NRB 10-15 L/min

    indications - suspected hypoxia or respiratory distress from any cause, acute chest pain in which MI is suspected, shock (decreased oxygenation of tissue) from any cause, trauma, carbon monoxide poisoning

    contraindications - none
  12. Pralidoxime (2pam)
    class - cholinersterase re-activator

    dosage - adult [600mg] IM by auto injector such as the "Mark I" antidote kit. May be repeated in 3-5 min after the first dose, if weakness or fasciculations have not been resolved

    indications - organophosphate pesticide or nerve agent poisoning after Atropine has been administerd, unknown cholinersterase inhibitor poisoning

    contraindications - 1. relative A. myasthenia gravis B. Renal failure 2. absolute A. inability to perform endotracheal intubation, if neuromuscular blockage were to occur (a rare, dose and rate related complication)
Card Set
drug cards
pre-hospital care