GL/PSYC3550 - Exam 2 Terms

  1. Alfred Binet
    • Determined IQ ( mental age divided by actual age)
    • was asked to find a way to determine if students needed alternate education
  2. Charles Spearmen
    • Developed the 2 factor theory of intelligence
    • observed positive correlations between measures of mental abilities
  3. Intelligence
    • A multifaceted capacity that manifests itself in different ways.
    • -reason logically
    • -plan effectively
    • - grasps and visualize concepts
  4. Henry Goddard
    • Translated the Binet-Simon scale
    • Coined the term moron ( and defined idiot and imbecile)
    • assumed that intellect is an innate ability and is inherited
  5. Lewis Terman
    • Made the quotient for IQ using Stanford-Binet test
    • argued for restraint or elimination of those whose intelligence is too low
    • importance of identifying gifted children
  6. L.L Thurstone
    • Defined primary mental abilities
    • refined factorv analysis - rotation of principle factors
    • different PMA could yield the same overall iq
  7. Primary Mental abilities
    • made by L.L Thurstone
    • 7 of them
    • verbal comprehension
    • word fluency
    • computation
    • spatial visualization
    • associatve memory
    • perceptual speed
    • reason
    • reasoning
  8. Army Alpha test
    For literate recruits
  9. Army Beta test
    for illiterate recruits
  10. David Weschler
    • spearmen's G to simplistic
    • Developed the deviation quotient IQ
    • IQ is a multifacet aggregate of abilities
  11. 2 factor  theory of intelligence
    • made by Spearmen
    • involves "g" - variance being accounted for either  by specific components
    • "e" error components
    • "s" specific components
    • High "g"  indicates a better test to predict intelligence
    • Low or moderate correlations resulted in measures of specific factors
  12. Crystalized intelligence
    "Gc" includes acquired skills and knowledge that are dependent on exposure to a particular culture
  13. Fluid intelligence
    Gf - nonverbal, relatively culture free, and independent of specific instruction
  14. Maintained abilities
    abilities that do not decline with age and many return to preinjury levels following brain damage
  15. 3 stratum theory of cognitive abilities
    • First strata: General Intelligence
    • Second strata:
    • Fluid intelligence (Gf), crystallized intelligence (Gc), general memory and learning, broad visual perception, broad auditory perception, broad retrieval capacity, broad cognitive speediness, and decision speed.
    • Third strata: Level factors
  16. Hierarchical model
    all the abilities are subsumed or incorporated in the strata above.
  17. Psychoeducational assessment
    Identifying tests from different batteries that could be used to provide a comprehensive assessment of the persons abilities
  18. Robert Sternberg
    • Made the Triarchic theory of intelligence
    • Person x Context match
    • Spearman was straight up wrong
  19. Triarchic theory of intelligence
    • Analytic
    • Creative
    • Practical
  20. Flynn Effect
    IQ scores increase from generation to generation in all countries

    Gains of 5 to 25 points

    • Due to advancements in society ( and increase in abstract problem solving)
    • IQ tests must be restandardized and now measure more then innate ability
  21. WAIS - IV
    • gold standard in intelligence testing
    • provides information of intellectual functioning, presence or absences of significant intellectual disability, and provides clues to altered functions
  22. WAIS - IV (2008)
    • Updated the norms
    • extended range of age range
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GL/PSYC3550 - Exam 2 Terms
Winter 2013