Front Office Admin.

  1. What are some tools you should have ready at the phone ?
    • Message pads
    • Pens and pencils
    • Fee schedule list
    • Appointment book
    • Calendar
    • List of frequently called numbers - drs
    • List of frequently requested number - groomers, boarders
  2. How do you transfer calls ?
    • Get client information
    • Explain to them what you are going to do
    • Inform the person you are transferring the call to of all the pertinent information.  Who, why what caller wants.
  3. What information do you need to take for a telephone message?
    • The date and time the call was received
    • The caller's name and number - make sure you know when is a good time for them to call back
    • What the call pertains to
  4. What information is required for taking a call at a large animal clinic ?
    • Does the vet know the client ? Obtain first and last name and a telephone number
    • Has he/she been ou t to their farm before?
    • How many animals and the nature of the farm
    • Advise the farmer to be there when the vet arrives
  5. How do you respond to telephone shoppers ?
    • Try to make a bond, ask their name or their pets name
    • Ask for pertinent details that you may require for the estimate
    • Make sure that you briefly outline the details of the service
    • Offer to send them a hard copy of estimate
  6. How do you deal with conflict ?
    • Remain calm
    • Stand at eye level
    • Active listening
    • Try to see the situation from their perspective
    • Do not be defensive
    • If possible, begin by agreeing with them
    • Then give your side of the story
    • Ask what you can do to remedy the situation
  7. Conflict can a occur from differences in ?
    • needs
    • values
    • mativations
  8. What are the 5 personality styles ?
    • Turtle: withdrawing
    • Shark: forcing
    • Teddy bear: smoothing
    • Fox: compromising
    • Owl: confronting
  9. What are the 4  different generations ?
    • Traditionalists: loyal
    • Baby boomers: optimistic/idealistic
    • Generation Xers: skeptical
    • Millennial Generation: realistic
  10. What information is required when booking an appointment ?
    • Clients last name
    • Patient name
    • Patient Species
    • Telephone #
    • Reason for appointment
  11. What are goals to an idea appointment system ?
    • Minimize waiting time
    • Flexible scheduling to accommodate client work schedules
  12. What are some things to consider when setting definitions and scheduling policies ?
    • What is an emergency? Times should be left for them
    • What can wait and how long
    • How many time slots should be allowed for emergencies, urgent cases, technician procedures, ..
    • How does one handle the problem areas.. walkins, no shows, cancellations or rescheduling
  13. What are some common pitfalls to scheduling ?
    • Not enough space in book for all client information
    • The format of the book is inconsistent with the practice's appt. system
    • The times alloted do not match the time necessary to perform the requested service
  14. What are some special considerations in the appt. system ?
    • Aggressive animals
    • Contagious animals
    • Drop offs
    • Surgeries
    • X-rays
    • Euthanasias
  15. How to avoid scheduling no shows ?
    • Create a bond with the practice
    • Call the clients the day before to confirm their appts.
    • Call "no show" clients to ask why they didnt show up and to resched. their apt.  Keep a log with client info and reason for why they didnt show up
    • Document ALL no shows and the practices attempt to contact them for medical and legal reasons.
  16. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Stream method of scheduling ?
    • Advantages: Easy to follow. Most apt. books are organized this manner
    • Disadvantages: Does not work unless all clients require exactly the amount of time booked
    • Clients who are late or done show up at all cause wasted time
  17. What are the advan. + disads of the Wave or block schedule method ?
    • Advantages: eliminates down time for the vet and staff
    • even if clients dont show up or are late, there is alwas someone waiting to see the dr.
    • Disadvantages: clients dont like this syst.!
    • when several ppl arrive together, the one who waits longest tends to get irriated
  18. What are the ads, and disads of Modified wave sched ?
    • Advantages: increases the chance that a client will always be available to see the vet
    • can work if vet team uses the wait time for other clients to update info ..
    • Disadvantage: could cause back logs
    • clients could wait up to 20-30min
  19. What are the special considerations for euthanasia appointments ?
    • Time of appt.
    • Give the owner the option of staying with the animal
    • Most clinics will not perform convenience euthanasias
  20. What are some CVO accreditation areas of review ?
    • General and medical records
    • Examination room
    • Pharmacy
    • Radiologoy
    • Anesthesia
    • Operating room
    • Safety
  21. WHat does the CVO review in the Medical records ?
    • Make sure the medical records contain:
    • Patient id.. species, age,sex
    • Clients name, add, phone ##
    • Emergency contact
    • Date and time that animal has been seen
    • History of pets health, vaccines
    • Pets current weight
    • Particulars of assessment
    • Professional advice given
  22. What does the CVO review in the examination room?
    • large enough for dr. client and patient
    • Well lit
    • Contain an exam table with appropriate surface
    • Waste receptacle
    • Equipment..stethoscope, otoscope, alcohol, thermometer...
  23. What does the CVO look for in the Pharmacy ?
    • If there is a filing system for records of purchasing drugs
    • Are drugs dispensed from hospt?
    • Are controlled substances kept in a locked drawer ensureing reasonable security ?
  24. What does the CVO look for in Radiology room ?
    • Does facility contain a diagnostic xray machine ?
    • a collimator or cone ?
    • 2 protective aprons
    • 2 pairs of gloves
    • individual dosimeters
  25. What is a inventory list ?
    An inventory provides information on which drugs and supplies are available for use and which are on order.  It also aids in developing re-order points and purchasing.
  26. What is inventory control ?
    a process whereby the need to maintain sufficient inventory to meet the hospitals needs is weighed against the cost of carrying suffiecient inventory
  27. What is the Goal?
    To have adequate inventory and supplies at all times
  28. What are the benefits of effective inventory control ?
    • Decrease capital costs
    • Drugs and supplies are turned over 4-8 times per yr therefore no waste of outdated drugs
    • Controlled drugs are properly monitored + handled
    • Saves extra costs of continually reordering on an emergency basis
  29. What happens if inventory drops to low?
    • You may lose the money for the sale and possibly a client
    • If someone has to stop to order an emergency order - time costs money
    • Small orders may miss out on some bulkd discounts
    • May be a surcharge for more than one oder per day
  30. What are the 7 areas of inventory in a clinic ?
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Surgical supplies
    • Nutritional items
    • Radiology items
    • Lab or diagnostic supplies
    • Janitorial building maintenance items
    • Office supplies
  31. Who should order the inventory?
    One person.  should be responsible for inventory monitoring, maintenance and reordering.. improtant to cross train one other person in inventory control
  32. What are the benefits of one person controlling inventory ?
    • Excessive stock should be avoided
    • Duplicate orders should be avoided
    • Status of an item can be determined easily from the individual resp.
    • Problem orders for critical items are monitored closely
  33. What are the types of Drugs in Inventory ?
    • OTC non prescription drugs - heartworm tx., flea treatments, medicated shampoo
    • Prescription drugs - antibiotics, pain relievers
    • Controlled drugs - prescription drugs that have the potential for addiction.  specific rules for ordering, storing, and dispensing
  34. What are components of the "controlled substance log" ?
    • Drug name
    • date dispensed
    • clients name , phone #
    • pets name
    • vet initials, and person who dispensed drug
    • # of pills dispensed
    • balance remaining
  35. What are the 3 options for drug and supply locations ?
    • Complete pharmacy in each examination room
    • Central pharmacy
    • Combination of 1 and 2
  36. What are the ads and disads of pharmacy/supplies in each exam room
    • Advantages: Saves time for dispensing on each visit
    • Disadvantages: requires large storage space in each room
    • requires duplication of dispensing supplies
    • time consuming to do inventory
  37. What are the ads and disads of a Central pharmacy ?
    • Advantages: labour on dispensing for each visit is decreased
    • single inventory supplies
    • good control of pharmaceutical supplies
    • Disadvantages: time spent on dispensing for each visit is increased
  38. What are the ads and disads of the combination of central pharm, and in exam room ?
    Limited supply of commonly used items is kept in each exam room. central pharmacy is used for the storage and sipensing of most drugs and supplies
  39. What are 5 methods of organizing the clinic pharmacy ?
    • Alphabetical
    • Therapeutic use
    • Dosage form
    • Level of use
    • Numeric system
  40. What are the pros and cons for Manual and Computer inventory systems ?
    • Manual: a ledger containing information on each item. most clinics do such an inventory completely only once a year
    • Computer: uses a program. when supplies are used or dispensed, they are deducted automatically from current inventory. any given time a printo can be produced listing the drug, supply on hand, exp date, cost,
  41. What are the 7 inventory costs ?
    • Transportation and freight
    • Theft
    • Space to store inventory
    • Time and paperwork
    • Taxes
    • Waste and damage
    • Drugs expire before they can be used
  42. What is the Rule of Thumb ? . .inventory costs
    Inventory costs are about 10% of the cost of the inventory itself
  43. What is the rull of thumb for turnover time?
    The ideal turnover time for most drugs is between 45 and 60 days
  44. What is the 80/20 rule?
    20% of drug inventory accounts for 80% of drug revenue.  Other words, 20% of entire stock will generate 80% of income
  45. How do low turnover items result ?
    • Miscalculation in odering
    • Drugs may be seasonal, such as heartworm preventative
    • Dr. preference may change
    • Client may move away or patient may die
    • A substitute item may be used
  46. Average inventory calculation
    Years beginning inventory + years ending inventory / 2
  47. Inventory turnover calculation
    total inventory purchased during yr / avg. inventory
  48. What are high use items that should be checked daily ?
    • Syringes and needle quantities
    • I.V. catheters + fluids
    • Anesthetic gases and sedatives
    • heartworm tests
    • Vaccines
    • Other - vet wrap, gauze, cotton,
  49. When receiving goods what should be checked ?
    • The quantity received is what appears on the slip
    • Note storage and instructions and follow them
    • Note any items which are back ordered
    • Check that the items received are what were ordered
  50. What is the Veterinary Receptionists Golden rule ?
    Make the clients feel welcome.  Show how much you care that theyve chosen your clinic.
  51. What do you do each time a client comes in, in order to make a good first impression ?
    • Smile
    • Great the client, their pets, and their children by name immediately
    • Come out from behind the desk to pet the animal and speak with client
    • Wear a name tag
    • Introduce yourself to new clients
    • Your appearance should be neat and professional
    • Maintain grace under pressure
  52. What are some unavoidable delays ?
    • Walk ins
    • Emergencies
    • Talkative clients
    • Staff late to work or calling in sick
    • Clients late
    • Clients early
    • Very ill pets
    • Surgery runs longer than planned
    • Heartworm season
  53. How long is too long to wait
    10 minutes or more
  54. How do you keep clients occupied while they wait ?
    •  Check address and phone # are correct
    • Take a detailed history of their current condition
    • Make small talk, be sincere
    • Check file for recent purchases, like flea shampoo, products and ask their opinions
  55. How often should you keep clients posted while they wait ?
    every 5 - 10 minutes
  56. What are the efffects of color on the mood ?
    • Red: Exciting and stimulation. energy colour
    • Pink: Gentle and soothing
    • Blue: calming, invkoes feeling of security
    • Orange: exciting and stimulating
    • Yellow: cheerful, joyful
    • Purple: dignified, but too much can be intense
    • Black: powerful
    • Green: restful. combination of yellow and blue
  57. What are the spatial distances and when would you use them ?
    • Intimate space: 0 - 18'', peoplw we know very well, children, spouse
    • Personal space: 1.5 - 4 ft, for people we know well and feel comforatble with, like friends and relatives
    • Social space: 4 - 12ft, space that is needed to feel comfortable in our everyday lives.
    • Public space: 12 - 25ft, for the street, usually among people we dont know.
  58. Where do clients come from ?
    • Referrals 53%
    • Location 43%
    • Yellow pages 7%
    • Road sign 2%
    • Newspaper ad 1%
    • Direct mail 1%
  59. What are ways to develop a bond with your clients ?
    • If hosp. has a wev site, ask the new client if they have internet access
    • Offer to give a hospital tour before or after appt.
    • Collect as much detail as possible
  60. What are the contents of a welcome kit ?
    • Hospital brochure
    • Business card
    • Folder to store pet records
    • Refrigerator magnet
    • Appropriate handouts
  61. What are the 6 steps to make a good first impression ?
    • 1. Let the other person be the center of attention
    • 2. Be a good listener
    • 3. Be careful with humor
    • 4. Use the persons name frequently
    • 5. Speak clearly
    • 6. Dress to impress
  62. Why is good record keeping important ?
    • CVO legislation requires it
    • Required by law, to provide protection from law suits
    • In case of computer malfunction
    • Aids in communication between staff and clients
    • Keeps info organized
    • Helps with diagnosis of illness
    • Aids in billing
  63. What are CVO standards for medical files ? must contain..
    • Patient identification
    • client identification
    • Emergency contact
    • Date of each animal visit
    • History of pets health
    • Pets current weight
    • The particulars of exams
    • Note of any professional advice given
    • All medical, surgical treatments and procedures used
    • A copy of all reports
    • A final assessment of the pet
    • All fees and charges incurred
  64. What are the 6 critical components of a medical file ?
    • The problem list
    • Allergies
    • History
    • Diagnosis
    • Treatment plans
    • Appropriate treatment
  65. What is the Problem list ?
    used to show a summary of all surgeries, treatments, ilnesses etc. that the pet had or taken.
  66. What are the Progress notes ?
    used to keep the information from each appointment in.
  67. What are legal requirements of medical records ?
    • Be written in permanent pen
    • Be initialed by the person makin entry
    • Have NO blank lines in between separate entries
    • Corrected entries must be made with a single line through the incorrect information
    • Pages must be numbered
    • NO white out
    • All signed consent forms must be kept in the medical file along with copies of any other forms given to the client
    • Must bve kept for 5 years
  68. What are confidentiality rules ?
    Under no circumstances should any information in the pets medical record, be discussed with anyone other than the hospital employees or veterinarians
  69. When can confidentiality be broken?
    Health officials must be informed of any reportable disease or animal bite.
  70. Define SOAP.
    • Subjective: reason the owner has brough the animal in today
    • Objective: rules out, veterinarians thoughts on the pets current condition
    • Assessment: physical exam findings, lab results..
    • Plans: treatments plants, medications, recheck ..
  71. Typical yearly visits for puppies/kittens include
    • PE
    • Vx - determined by vet
    • Fecal analysis
    • HWT + prevention
    • Wellness test (some cases)
  72. Typical yearly visits for seniors include ?
    • PE
    • Vx
    • Fecal
    • UA
    • HWT
    • Client education
  73. What is the purpose of consent forms ?
    • To protect the vet, pet, client , and staff
    • To ensure the client understands treatment, procedures, risks and costs
  74. What are some types of consent forms ?
    • Surgery
    • anesthesia
    • euthanasia
    • boarding
    • treatment
    • dental
    • waivers - heartworm decline
    • early release
  75. What are the legal requirements for consent forms ?
    • Must ibe in writing
    • Owner must be informed of risks/advised of negative side effects
    • Cannot guarantee success
    • Must be signed by the owner
    • Kept for 5 years
    • Must include date
    • Must include client first and last name and pets name
    • Must include treatment or procedure preformed
  76. What do you need to do before the animal is discharged ?
    • Make sure final bill is complete and a copy is in the file
    • All madeications are labeled and ready to go
    • Post op or home care instructions are ready
    • All certificates are ready
    • All test results are in and recorded
  77. Types of filling systems
    • Alphabetical - most popular
    • Color coding
    • Subject
    • Chronological
  78. What are important features to consider when purchasing file storage cabinets ?
    • Flexibility
    • Versatility
    • Easy access
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Front Office Admin.
Front office admin, test #2 unit 4 +