
  1. Define: RDA
    • Nutrient intake goals for individuals.
    • Avg daily nutrient intake that meets needs of nearly every healthy person in a particular life stage/gender.
  2. Define: Bio-availability
    Degree to which nutrients are absorbed or become available at target tissues.
  3. Define: Whole foods
    Unprocessed or unrefined, or very little processing/refinement before consumption.
  4. Define: Phytonutrients
    • Not real nutrients
    • Naturally active compounds found in plant foods (vegs, fruit, whole grains & legumes).
    • Have beneficial effects working with other essential nutrients to promote good health
    • Examples: carotenoids (lutien, flavanoids, coumarins, indoles etc)
  5. Define: Bioactive compounds
    Naturally occuring chemical compounds contained in/derived from a plant, animal or marine source that exert the desired health/wellness effect.
  6. Define: Malnutrition
    Any condition caused by excess or deficient food energy/nutrient intake or by an imbalance of nutrients.
  7. Define: Food
    Any substance the body can take in & assimilate that enable it to survive & grow.
  8. Define: Nutrition
    Study of nutrients in the body, sometime also the study of human behavior related to food
  9. Define: Diet
    The food/beverages that a person usually eats/drinks.
  10. Define: Nutrients
    • Components of food that are indispensible to the body's functioning.
    • Energy, Building Material, Maintain/Repair, Support Growth

    Examples: H2O, Carbs, Fats, Protein, Vitamins, Minerals
  11. Name the most nutrient-related diseases, followed by lesser-related.
    • 1. Anemia (iron def), Vit+Min Def, Poor disease resistance
    • 2. Diabetes, Hypertension, CV disease
    • 3. Osteoporosis, Cancer, Infectious diseases
    • 4. Down Syn, Hemophilia, Sickle-cell anemia
  12. What are the energy-yielding nutrients?
    Carbs, Fat, Protein
  13. What are the regulatory nutrients?
    Vitamins & Minerals
  14. Define: Calories
    • Unit of heat required to raise 1 kg of H2O by 1 degree
    • Measure of energy expenditure
    • Carbs/Protein: 4 cal/gram
    • Fat: 9 cal/gram
  15. Define: Intervention study
    • Split group.
    • Example: 1/2 organic, other half not. Measure urine contents.
  16. Define: Epidemiological study
    Example: Okinawa vs Italy
  17. Define: Randomized control trials
    Food vs placebo
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