1. hypoglycemia
    abnomally low blood glucose level
  2. hyperglycemia
    abnormally high blood glucose level
  3. seizures
    interruption of normal brain function caused by burstsof abnormal electrical signals in the brain
  4. stroke
    occurs when the blood supply to an area of the brain is interrupted.
  5. Diabetes
    when the pancreas won't produce enough insulin or when the body loses its ability to utilize insulin properly
  6. insulin
    hormone required for the transfer of glucose from the blood to the tissues and cells where it can be used for fuel
  7. Diabetic ketoacidosis
    hypERglycemic condition where the absence of insulin causes the body to metabolize other sources of energy such as fat. Blood become acidic, breath smells fruity, and AMS occurs.
  8. diabetic coma
    AMS from untreated hyPERglycemia. same as diabetic ketoacidosis
  9. Insulin Shock
    too low blood glucose levels cause shock. usually too much insulin and not enough food, or too much exercise
  10. Signs of hyPERglycemia
    AMS, urination, thirst, nasea, vomiting, headache, fruity odor, hot dry skin, unresponsive, rapid, deep respirations.
  11. Signs of hyPOglycemia
    Rapid AMS, hunger, slurred speech, appearing intoxicated, confusion, dizziness, headache, blurred vision, irritablility, cool, clammy skin, tachycardia, seizures, unresposiveness
  12. Normal Blood glucose range
  13. Grand Mal Seizure
    Involves 3 phases: tonic, clonic and postictal
  14. Tonic phase
    voluntary muscles contracting.
  15. clonic phase
    intermittent contractions and relaxation of skeletal muscles
  16. postictal phase
    depressed consciousness and confusion. Drowsy, headache.
  17. focal seizures
    seizures that don't involve the whole brain. May only affect a portion of the body or cause AMS
  18. Status Epilepticus
    rapid succession of seizures with no period of consciousness or a long seizure
  19. Petit Mal seizure
    brief lapses of attention and awareness 10-20 seconds. Eyes sometimes turn upward, eyelids sometimes flutter.
  20. transient ischemic attack (TIA)
    reversible episode of neurologic dysfunction that lasts a few minutes to a few hours.
  21. ischemic stroke
    occlusion of an artery that deprives the brain. caused by blood clots. Tx with clot busting drugs
  22. hemorrhagic stroke
    caused by rupture of an artery with bleeding onto or into the brain. Hypertension is most common cause, can be fatal at onset. made worse with clot busting drugs.
  23. Signs and Symptoms of a stroke
    AMS, numbness, weakness on one side of the body, slurred speech, facial droop, abnormal or unequal pupils, abnormal vision, severe headache, nausea, vomiting dizziness, seizures
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