Geo2:Chapter 12

  1. Domestication
    the process by which plant and animal species come to depend on humans for survival
  2. Domestication hearths
    • 1. North Amrica
    • 2. Mexico
    • 3. Andean
    • 4. European
    • 5. indonesia
    • 6. Australian
  3. Agriculture
    the cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock
  4. Artificial selection
    done by humans unlike natural selection
  5. Domestication of dog and other animal
    • 1. Dog
    • -earliest domesticated species
  6. Centers of domestication of wheat, rice and maize
    • 1. Middle east
    • 2. China/ Southeast Asia
    • 3. Americas
  7. Paleoenthnobotany
    study of plant remains in archaeological context
  8. Fertile Crescent
    -region containing moist and fertile land in the middle east
  9. Types of early culivated wheat:
    • -einkorn
    • -emmer
    • -spelt
  10. Teosinte
    a wild ancestor of maize
  11. Sedentism
    permanent settlement at the same place
  12. Nomadism
    movement from place to place
  13. European agricultural dispersal
    • -two ways of dispersal
    • 1) From Balkans into Central Europe Neolithic Linear Pottery culture
    • 2) Circum-Mediterranean
  14. Historic and prehistoric extinctions
    • 1. Historic Extinctions
    • -more recent times (since 1500 AD)
    • 2. Prehistoric Extinctions
    • -initial geographic expansion by humans
  15. Megafauna extinction in North America and other continents and its causes
    • -of 79 mammal species only 22 survived by 1500 AD. 
    • -Causes
    • 1.Environment
    • 2.Overkill
  16. Prehistoric extinctions- dwarf hippopotamus
    extinct around 11,000-9,000 years ago
  17. Steller's cow, great auk, passenger pigeon
    • -Steller's cow: extinct in 1768
    • -Great auk: Extinct by 1844
    • -Passenger pigeon: Monument to Martha last passenger pigeon 1914
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Geo2:Chapter 12